Rain (The Scorpion MC Series Book 4) Read online

Page 7

  “That’s my girl.” My eyes start getting heavy.

  “I don’t want you to worry okay? Everything will be fine.” Everything went dark after that.

  I can’t open my eyes and I can’t move but I can hear what’s being said.

  “How long do you think she’ will be like this?” I hear Rain’s voice ask.

  “I’m not sure it could be days, weeks, even months. I can’t give you an actual time frame.” Rain grabs my hand I want to squeeze it to let him know I’m here but I can’t.

  “Hey baby girl I don’t know if you could hear me but I’m hoping you can. I need you to wake up I can’t lose you, you are a part of me now and I don’t know what to do if you are not with me. We are not done yet, we still have a lot baby making to do so come back to me soon.” Everything goes dark again.

  “Hey Kenzi it’s Devin, it’s time for you to wake the fuck up. Rain is worried sick aboutyou, the kids miss there aunty and I need my sister back you’re not allowed to leave me. Do you understand? Not allowed to leave I can’t lose my sister. You are supposed to help me and Erika raise the kids remember? And you still have to give me a niece and or a nephew. Now wake the fuck up, please just wake up please I’ll do anything.” I open my eyes as I squeeze Devin hands he looks up with his eyes wide open.

  “Do you know you have to help me and Rain raise our kids as well right?”

  “Kenzi.” He says with a big smile on his face. He pushes a button next to me a couple of times and a nurse walks in not that long afterwards.

  “She’s up.” The nurse walks out of the room and I look at Devin.

  “How long was I out for?” I ask curiously.

  “Three weeks.” Holy shit. Talking hurts right now, my mouth is dry as hell. I turn my head and see Devin grab a cup of water with a straw I drink some. It wasn’t pleasant going down, it burned. The door opens and Rain walks in with a doctor. Rain looks exhausted like he hasn’t been sleeping.

  “How are you feeling?” The doctor asks.

  “Sore very sore.”

  “Do you remember what happened?” The doctor asks.

  “I remember being stabbed twice.”

  “Yes, you lost a lot of blood since you put pressure on your wound when it happened. You stopped the bleeding for a while that is what saved your life.” I nod my head and it’s all thanks to Dillon.

  “I’m going to let you rest. The police are you going to ask you some questions later.”

  “What if I don’t remember anything?” I ask.

  “Just tell them that it’s quite common not remembering what happened to you. Get some rest.” When the doctor left Rain comes to my side and holds my hand as he kisses my forehead.

  “Do you really not remember anything?” Devin asks.

  “No I remember, but the cops don’t need to know that. We have a problem, we need to have a meeting. Get the others in here.” Devin and Rain look at each other with worry on their faces. It didn’t take them long to come into my hospital room since they were all at the hospital, and that doesn’t surprise me at all. I get a lot of hugs and kisses from everyone. Felix sits next to my bed with a worried look on his face.

  “So that’s where the boys get there worried looks from.” Felix smiles at me as he grabs my hand.

  “How are you feeling sweetheart?” Felix asks.

  “Sore, other than that I’m fine.”

  “That’s good. Devin told us that you said we got a problem. What’s the problem?” He asks softly.

  “We have a new MC in town and they want to take over. Not just the Scorpion territory but the whole damn town.”

  “That is a big problem. Is that why you were taken?” Storm asks.

  “Yes, they had a plan but I messed up there plan.”

  “How did you do that?” Marco asks.

  “My smart mouth apparently and the fact I sent Devin and Rain a I’m in trouble code. Didn’t help them.” The boys sigh as they shake their heads. Rain shows me a picture of Dillon.

  “That’s one of the guys that took me. but he’s not bad. So if you do see him don’t kill him.”

  “You can’t be serious Kenzi?” Rain yells.

  “I am Dillon Parker doesn’t die! Do you understand me?”


  “I’m talking to all of you on this even you Felix. Dillon does not die when you go after them.”

  “He kidnapped you Kenzi.” Marco yells. He usually never yells but I understand that he’s upset.

  “I know that and he had a good reason why he had to. For the last time Dillon Parker does not die.”

  “Fine.” They said in unison. I’m so exhausted I just want to sleep and that’s when the cops walk in.

  “We have some questions for you.” One of the cops said.

  “I want you all to go home and get some sleep, don’t fight with me please. I’m very tired and you all look like road kill so please sleep and kiss the babies for me.” They all sigh in defeat.

  “Will do. Make sure you get rest.” Rain says. He kisses me softly and I smile up at him.

  “I will.” They all left even though they didn’t want to they didn’t fight with me thank god.

  “Miss Ryan do you remember what happened to you?”

  “No I don’t. All I remember was being stabbed in the stomach twice.”

  “You don’t remember anything before that?”

  “No just that someone came up from behind me and put something over my face and I blacked out. Anything after that is blank.”

  “Alright if you remember anything else call this number on this card.” The cop gives me the card

  and I nod my head.

  “Will do. I’m very tired I’m going to get some rest now.”

  “Of course.” Once they leave everything went dark once again.


  It’s been a week since Kenzi woke up from her coma and I finally get to take her home. Everyone is on edge after what happened. I almost lost the love of my life and if they think they are going to get away with with it they have another thing coming. They will pay for what they did to her and I won't let them take over my home. They must be fucking stupid. Erika is trying to find everything she can about the Shadow Devils and anything about their president Nick Trant. The fact that his last name is close to Trent does not sit well with the girls. Shit I don't even like it, but Trent put my girls through the ringer. Kenzi is having nightmares every other night. If I'm not the one who calms her down it is Devin. I'm so thankful to have Devin helping me with her, he's a great brother he was a wreck like I was while she was in her coma. I walk into Kenzi’s hospital room and she was already dressed and ready to go.

  “I'm ready to go home please get me the hell out of here.” She slowly sits in the wheelchair and I roll her out of the hospital. Kenzi is not strong enough to walk for long periods of time. She's still healing so she has to be very careful. I help her into the car.

  “How are you feeling?” I ask.

  “To be honest drained I'm not hundred percent healed, so moving around a lot is going to make me tired. The doctor told me to move around but not too much because I could hurt myself since I'm not all the way healed.”

  “So in other words take it easy.” I say.

  “Yes don't worry I will I promise.” I nod my head. I pulled up the driveway. I glance at her and smile.he has no idea what's behind that door. I help her out of the car. She slowly opens the door.

  “Welcome home.” Everyone screams. And Kenzi has tears running down her face everyone was there, even the Devils were there to welcome her home.

  “Thank you everyone this means a lot to me.” I kiss her cheek. Emily and Melissa was running towards Kenzi, Marco and Devin grab the girls real quick.

  “Girls, you have to be very careful with aunt Kenzi remember she's has boo boos.” Devin says to the girls.

  “Okay we will be careful.” I help her to the couch and Kenzi waves the girls over.

  “I missed you guys so mu
ch.” Devin puts Melissa on her lap and Marco puts Emily on her other side.

  “We missed you so much. Are you feeling better?” Emily asks.

  “Yes I'm feeling a little better sweetie.”

  “We have ice cream and cake for you. I helped daddy make it.” Emily says with a big smile.

  “Really I can't wait to see it.” Kenzi says with a big smile. Kenzi holds all the babies for an hour. The girls hogged her up for thirty minutes it was so cute.

  It's eight o'clock and the kids are all sleeping. Kenzi sits by Erika.

  “Got anything?” Kenzi asks.

  “Not really. Nick has been to prison a lot. For murder and selling drugs.”

  “Why am I not surprised?” Kenzi asks with irritation.

  “Other than that there's nothing much on him. Really like he's a nobody right now he's nobody important and that's why he's trying to make a name for himself.”

  “What about Dillon?”

  “Didn't I say to leave him out of it?” Kenzi asks angrily.

  “Yes I just want to know a little about him is all.”

  “Well he's clean, he has no record on him at all. His parents died when he was sixteen, he also has a little sister named Lora she was in the system, but she ran away from her foster parents. Lora was in the system for a year before she ran away. Neither of them have been heard of since he was seventeen it's like they vanished into thin air.” I'm going to do what she asked of us but that doesn't mean I have to like it. He better not get on my bad side away or all bets are off.

  “I'm tired. Can you help to me bed?”

  “Of course.”

  “Goodnight everyone.” Kenzi says with a small smile.

  “Goodnight.” They said back. I help her into bed and I kiss her softly.

  “You know I love you right?” I say to her.

  “Yes I do, I love you too Rain. I know you’re not happy about me not wanting you guys to kill Dillon, but it means a lot to me that you all agreed to it.” I lay down next to her and kiss her softly.

  “Of course we respect you. But if he tries anything I will kill him in a heartbeat.”

  “I understand. Thank you.”

  “I don't know what I would do if I would've lost you.”

  “You didn't Rain and you’re not going to. If I remember correctly you said we still have a lot of baby making to do.” Rain laughs.

  “You heard me?”

  “Yes I heard all of you talking to me, but you and Devin stood out the most.”

  “Once you are all healed up the baby making will begin.” I say and she laughs then grabs her stomach as she winces.

  “I'm sorry sweetie.”

  “It's okay. I'm going to keep you to that Rain Montgomery.” I lean in and kiss her deeply. God I love this woman with my ever fucking fiber in me.


  “Goodnight my future baby daddy.” I couldn't help the laughter that came out of me. I kiss her forehead as she falls to sleep. She is my everything and I will never let anybody hurt her ever again or hurt my future children. I will keep the people I love safe if it's the last thing I do.