Rain (The Scorpion MC Series Book 4) Read online

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  “I never saw him happier than when he finally made his move on Erika.” Erika giggles.

  “Wait hold up, sorry to interrupt but are you saying your brother and Erika dated?” Rain asks with a shocked face and I don’t blame him at all. Erika and I laugh together.

  “Yes we did .” Erika says with a smile.

  “Really I didn’t know that.” Devin says with shock.

  “Of course not they had to hide it and they did for about two years.”

  “What happened?” Storm asks and our demeanor changes.

  “Do you want to take over Erika?” I ask.

  “I guess so. Benjamin and I were happy in love and in a great place. I got pregnant at the age of sixteen and we were very happy about it.” The boys were shocked. Their faces are showing a lot of emotion in them.

  “Benjamin came up with the perfect idea for the three of us. But just a few days before we were supposed to get out things went very bad.” Erika stops I see a tear running down her cheek. I grab her hand and squeeze it as a tear runs down my face, Rain grabs my hand and squeezes it.

  “Somehow Trent found out that I was pregnant. I still don’t know how he found out, but he was not happy about it and he killed Benjamin that same day he found out.” Erika couldn’t stop the tears that was flowing down her face and I couldn’t help it either. Rain grabs my waist pulls me onto his lap and wraps his arms around me. It felt amazing having his support as we walked about our past. Devin grasb Erika and did the same thing holding her tight like he didn’t want to let her go.

  “From all the stress I was in and the death of Benjamin, it did a number on me and I had a miscarriage.” Storm closes his eyes and shook his head as he grabs her hand.

  “I was too far along in this pregnancy so I had to give birth to my dead child. It fucked me up a lot, I was in a bad place for awhile. I made sure Kenzi got out the day we were all supposed to but I stayed. I wanted him to play for what he did to my family and that’s exactly what I did I put everything in motion for their demise.”

  “I’m sorry for your loss the both of you.” They said in unison.

  “Where we go this time of year is to their grave. Erika wanted her daughter to be with her father so we buried them together at his favorite spot.” I say and they nod their heads.

  “This is all starting to make sense.” Storm says. Erika looks at Storm.

  “What does?” She asks.

  “I thought there was something going on between you and him but I never knew for sure. And then he disappeared out of know where I couldn’t figure out what happened. Plus you alway disappear for a few days around this time of year. And all the anger you had in you when we were in high school. I’m very sorry about Benjamin he was a great man and very funny as well, I’m sorry about your daughter.”

  “Thank you Storm.”

  “What was her name?” Devin asks. Erika turns to him.

  “Her name is Nicki, Benjamin loved the name and I did as well.”

  “That’s a beautiful name.” Devin says with a smile.

  “Baby one day you can take me to their grave.” Devin says and Erika bawls she couldn’t stop crying after he said that and I know that meant everything to her that he wants to go. He kisses her then wipe her tears away. Rain was right talking about the past is not all bad I felt like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Emily came running in the house with Melissa right behind her. Dalson had Sam in his arms and Paul had Caleb and Austin in their car seats in each hand. Melissa went straight to her daddy, she’s one hundred percent a daddy's girl hands down and it’s the cutest thing. Storm grabs Austin and I grab the remote and put on Trolls so we can have a family night and get the kids to calm down and relax. Melissa is laying on Devin and I’m sitting on Rain’s lap. Emily and Melissa are singing, this right here this family moment is everything to me. All is left is for me to have a little monster of my own someday, and I can’t wait for that day.


  Jogging up the street I see the whole family together and getting into their car.

  “It’s about damn time you showed up. We are having a family day, don’t you remember?” Devin says loudly.

  “Of course I didn’t forget. I just needed to clear my head that is all.”

  “Alright get your swimsuit on. Come on move your ass!”

  “Yes dad!” Devin smacks the back of my head as I go running into the house. I chuckled as I went in my room and put my swim shorts on and a tank top. I hopped in Devin’s car, we had Melissa and Sam in the car with us. Devin plugged his phone to the car radio. The first song that played was Not Afraid by Eminem and right when the song comes on Melissa starts singing the song she’s three years old, and she’s a lot like her father. She loves Eminem just like her dad and she’s a complete daddy’s girl. I hope that if I have a daughter she will be a daddy’s girl too. I lookat Melissa and she is bobbing her head and Sam is wiggling in his seat. Devin and I start laughing.

  “Melissa is definitely your daughter.” I said to Devin.

  “Yes, yes she is and she’s perfect.”

  “All of the kids are.” Devin nods his head in agreement. When we arrive at the lake I grab Melissa as Devin gets Sam out of his car seat; everyone was there already. I put Melissa down and she runs to Dalson. He picks her up and tosses her in the air and all you hear is her giggles. I walk up behind Kenzi and wrap my arms around her then kiss her cheek as she leans into me. Melissa runs to Devin and pulls his hand.

  “Daddy swimming, let's go swimming daddy.”

  “Alright princess let’s go swimming.”

  “She has you wrapped around her little finger.” I tell Devin he sticks his middle finger high in the air towards me and I laugh. I turn my head towards my brother and he hands Austin to Logan, he is still not back where he belongs, but he’s not running away from the family or Austin so I guess it’s a start. Kenzi and I go in the water with the rest of the family we are all taking turns with the kids. To be honest having a family day was a great idea we all needed this, it’s a good thing dad came up with this family day idea. Dalson came up with coming to the secret lake and it’s fucking perfect it’s isolated. If you didn’t know it’s was here already you wouldn’t be able to find it.

  “We should come here more often.” Kenzi says and we all agree with her this is a perfect place to hang out with the family, we really need do need to take a family vacation one day. I swim to Logan to see how he is.

  “I’m surprised to see you here.”

  “Why is that Rain? Am I not a part of your family anymore?” Logan asks.

  “I never said that Logan, don’t put words in my mouth. All I’m saying is that you don’t come by like you usually do.”

  “I’m sorry Rain I didn’t mean to snap on you. I haven’t been sleeping well lately.”

  “Why don’t come to our place? You will get plenty of sleep.”

  “I see what you’re doing Rain.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask with a smirk.

  “You are not the only one trying to get me back with Storm and Tessa.”

  “Do you blame us?”

  “No I don’t. It’s just not a good time now.”

  “When is?” Logan sighs then kisses Austin forehead.

  “I honestly don’t know.” I squeeze his shoulder.

  “We will always be there for you no matter what and when you’re ready to come back home, we will welcome you with open arms. You will always be apart of this family.” Logan gives me a small smile even if it was small and for a quick second it was good to see it, I barely see him smile anymore.

  “So Rain when are you going to give me a niece or nephew?” Logan says with a mischievous smile.

  “Hopefully soon, I’m working on it.” Logan laughs and it’s great to hear it. I felt arms wrap around me and I know my girl’s touch.

  “Is everything okay?” She asks softly.

  “Yeah everything is good Kenzi.” Logan says with a smile and not a fake one ei
ther. As much as I want to help them I know I have to let them do this on their own and help here and there.

  “Rain, on my way home I’m going to stop by the store so I won't be home right away.”

  “Alright thanks for letting me know.” I kiss her as we were all getting out of the water. As we are drying off I put dry clothes on Austin, while the others were drying themselves off. We are dried and I’m putting Sam in his car seat as Devin is putting Melissa in hers, she looks like she’s about to pass out once this car starts moving. I get in the car and yawn.

  “Today was a good day.” Devin says as he glances my way.

  “Yes it was.”

  “How do you think Logan is doing?” Devin asks with concern.

  “I think he is in pain, he’s just hiding it well trying to at least. He’s not ready to come back home yet and he’s not sleeping well. I’m worried about him.”

  “I am too.” Devin pulls up the driveway I grab a sleeping Melissa and put her in her bed. I hear my phone buzz, I take my phone out of my pocket and seeKenzi’s name pop up on my screen.

  Kenzi- RED RED RED.

  What the fuck?

  “Hey Devin you have…” Devin is looking at his phone and his face was taut with panic.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  “Kenzi is in trouble.”

  “Is that what red means?”


  “Both of you go I’ll watch the kids.” I get another message but it was a picture. I show Devin the picture and we get back into the car and drive to the store as fast as he could.


  Erika drops me off at the store since the store wasn't far from the house. I told her to go on home and get the kids to bed. I walk into the store and I feel a chill up my spine. I look around the store and nothing seems off. I was walking towards the baby section to get some formula for the babies, when I hear someone walk up behind me. I turn around to see a man I don't recognize.

  "This must be my lucky day bumping into one of the Scorpions women in the store." All the warning bells are going off I take a step back and pull my phone out.

  "Oh come on don't walk away from me."

  "I don't know who you are, but you better stay the hell away from me." I take a picture of the man.

  "Sorry gorgeous but I can't do that if I let you go my president will be very upset with me." I take another step back as I send a message to Rain and Devin.

  Kenzi- RED RED RED.

  Kenzi- RED RED RED.

  Then I send the picture to Rain before I sprintout of the section, and out the door.

  "Grab her." Aman comes up to me I punch him in his face. As his nose starts to bleed the other man comes up behind me and puts something over my mouth. I struggle with the man, I kick him in his balls then the other guy keeps the rag on my face and everything fades to black.

  Slowly waking up I feel groggy, and I can't move at all. I look around and I'm in a empty room tied to a chair. What the fuck? Why is this happening to me? The door opens and one of the men who took me walks in.

  "Hey gorgeous, I'm sorry about this but what the president wants he gets and at the moment he wants you."


  "He wants to make a statement and I bumped into you, so he's going to use you to make the statement."

  "What statement will that be?" I ask pissed off.

  "That he's going to be taking over the Scorpions territory and everything else in this town." I laugh.

  "What's so funny?" He asks.

  "He's delusional if he thinks he's going to take over. That will never happen."

  "We’ll just have to wait and see."

  "What's your name?" I ask.

  “Dillon Parker.”

  “Do you like kidnapping women?” His head tilts back in surprise.

  “No I don’t , I don’t hurt women and children. That’s where I draw the line.”

  “You can’t be that stupid. You know I’m going to get hurt it’s the reason why I’m here.”

  “I have a little sister okay she’s in middle school. I’m all she has. He will do whatever just so he can get what he wants and I’m not going to endanger her.”

  “I understand that. What’s her name?”

  “Lora Parker.”

  “Beautiful name. You should get out while you can because once this goes down they will kill you all.”

  “Your name is Kenzi right?”


  “I hope you get out of here alive.” He leaves the room. A few minutes pass and a tall man with a scar on his face walks in with a man with a broken nose I gave him when he tried to take me.

  “Who are you? I’m guessing you are in charge.” I ask.

  “Smart girl I’m the president of the Shadow Devils, Nick Trant.”

  “Never heard of you.” I’ve heard of a lot of MC’s but not this one and his name sucks ass.

  “You do now. This MC is new, but I’m well known.”

  “Not that well known since I haven't heard of you before.” He smacks me across the face.

  “You have a smart mouth on you. How about I shut it for you?”

  “Go right ahead I promise it will be your last.”

  “I was going to take my time with you but your mouth is getting you into more trouble.”

  “I look at it like this in about five minutes or so the Scorpions are going to barge through those doors and kill each and everyone of you. They already know I’m missing.” I say a smile.

  “Do they now?”

  “Yes I’m a Scorpion and a Devil. Did you really think I didn't even at least give one of them a heads up on what happened? You must be every stupid.”

  “Pack everything up and head out. You little bitch you fucked up my whole plan and for that you will die.” Nick walks up to me and stabs me twice all I felt was pain and the fact that I’m tied up doesn’t help me at all. I’m losing a lot of blood. I didn’t realize they left until Dillon walked in and untied me.

  “Kenzi, I’m so sorry this was not a part of the fucking plan. You was not supposed to get hurt this bad.” I can tell in his eyes he was telling the truth.

  “Dillon you need to go before they notice you helped me.” He gives me a jacket and puts pressure on it.

  “Once they get here make sure they take you to the hospital. This is way to deep for someone to fix.”

  “Got it. Thank you Dillon now go take care of your sister.” He nods his head then leaves about four minutes later I saw Rain’s face full with panic and Devin terrified .

  “Hey guys I need to be taken to the hospital. Erika can’t fix this one.” Rain picks me up and I wince in pain.

  “It’s okay baby, we will get you to the hospital.”

  “Nobody is here.” Storm says once his eyes land on me they widen in shock.

  “Oh Kenzi.”

  “I’m okay Storm, don’t worry.” I tell him. They put me in the back of the van and Marco drives as fast as he can to the hospital. Rain is putting pressure on my wound. He looks so worried and pale that it was making me worry about him. I place my hand on his cheek, he looks into my eyes and I smile at him.

  “I’m going to be fine Rain, don’t worry.”

  “This is my fault. I should’ve drove faster when I got your message.” Devin looks like a wreck.

  “Don’t blame yourself Devin, it wasn’t your fault. It wasn’t anybody’s fault. They had a good plan if it makes you feel better I broke one of the guy’s nose.” I saw a small smile appears on Devin face.