Rain (The Scorpion MC Series Book 4) Read online

  Copyrights © 2018 by Delia Petrano

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, including but not limited to be stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the author.

  First Edition

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, groups, businesses, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Paperback Formatted by Royal Publishing Inc.


  I would like to thank my family and my friends for all their support they been giving me since I started writing. I would like to thank the most important women in my life my mom Marie Uhl for all the support she gives me in my dreams and being a great role model. My aunt Angela Esquilin. I can't forget my cousin Naomi Santos for helping me through this writing journey. Last but not least my PA Lynn Kline underwood for keeping me on track and kicking my butt when I needed love you all thank you.


  Walking down the stairs I see Erika walking inside the compound with her oversized hoodie to hide her baby bump, we only have two more days until we can get the hell out of here. Ben has been planning this for months and it’s finally almost time to leave this hellhole. My brother and I are stuck here because of our parents, but it wasn’t all bad, we met Erika here and now my brother is going to be a dad. Yes we are young but shit happens and my little brother is manning up, he always wanted kids. It’s just happening sooner rather than later and that’s not a problem. Everything will be fine once we get the hell out of here. Erika starts walking up the stairs and I smile at her.

  “Hey Erika how are you feeling?” I ask quietly.

  “I’m alright tired though.” When we get to her room my brother was already there and her face lights up like a christmas tree. Ben wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her. Being trapped in the Devil's compound sucks in so many ways but having each other made it suck less. My brother and Erika are the cutest thing together but to be honest I didn’t see it coming because Erika was always in love with Devin. After all hell broke loose and my brother made a move on her they have been together ever since and that was about a year and a half ago.

  “Do you girls have everything you need?” Ben asks.

  “Yes.” We said in unison.

  “Good I will see you both later tonight, I have things to do here.” He kisses Erika and then he kisses my cheek on his way out.

  “I will let you rest.” She lays down and closes her eyes, after I cover her up I leave her room.

  Four Hours Later

  Hearing yelling from down stairs I get up then walk out of my room. As I’m walking down the stairs and see my brother on his knees and Trent eyes on Erika baby bump. This can't be happening this can't be happening we just had two more days to go. Dalson and Paul were at the bottom of the stairs wanting to do something but can’t. A gun went off and my heart drops and all I can hear is Erika’s screams. I watch as my brother’s body drops to the floor and I couldn’t move. I take a step down the stairs and lose my balance. Dalson grabs me before I fall and walks me down. When I get to Ben tears are running down my face and I drop to my knees.

  “Erika, promise me you will fall in love again.”

  “I can’t.” She says with her tears falling onto Ben, she’s putting pressure on his wound with her hoodie.

  “Yes you can baby, Devin still loves you and that won’t change.” She shakes her head. Ben reaches for her face and kisses her softly.

  “I want you to be happy and find love again. Devin is that one person, he will always love you and take care of you no matter what.” Ben turns to me and I start crying harder.

  “You too sis, I want you to fall in love and when you do don’t fight it let him in. Show him all of you don’t hide from him.” Ben touches Erika’s stomach, I don’t know how I can live without my little brother.

  “I love you all. Dalson and Paul take care of my girls for me.”

  “Will do brother.” Ben eyes slowly close and Erika checks his pupils and starts crying harder then screams. Dalson wraps his arms around her and Paul wrap his arms around me. I turn to him and cry into his chest.

  “Stay away from him you bastard.” I hear Erika yell. I look up and Trent takes a step back.

  “Dalson and Paul take care of this.” They nod their heads. Dalson grabs Erika then me while Paul wraps up my brother’s body in a blanket. The boys put him in the truck of the car.

  “God no please don’t do this to me.” I heard Erika whisper.

  “Erika what’s wrong?” I turn around and I see blood running down her legs. God please don’t take the baby too.

  “Dalson we need to go to the hospital now.” When he saw Erika his eyes widen with shock and fear. I get her in the car and Dalson drives so fast to the hospital I thought we would get pulled over. I take her in the hospital while the guys stay in the car. As the doctor was checking the baby I saw her face drop we didn’t hear the baby’heartbeat.

  “I’m sorry Miss Collins you had a miscarriage. Have you been under major stress lately?” Erika nods her head.

  “I’m sorry again you’re going to have push out your baby since your child is more developed.” Erika didn’t say anything she just nods her head with tears running down her face.

  “Would you like her to stay with you?” The doctor asks, and she shakes her head no. I don’t blame her for not wanting anyone with her for this. This is all Trent’s fault. I don’t know how Erika is going to get through this not only did she lose her boyfriend she’s also lost her child, this will be hard on us all but worse for her.

  Kenzi- She lost the baby.

  Dalson- Fuck this is bullshit. This was not supposed to happen.

  Kenzi- I know we will see you soon.

  Ten minutes later the doctor comes out.

  “She wants you Miss Ryan.” I walk in and see Erika holding the baby with tears running down her face.

  “We were having a girl Kenzi, we were having a girl and he took that from us.” I walk over with tears in my eyes I look at my niece and she was so small but beautiful. He took so much from us but no more. He will never hurt my family again.

  “Get me that wheelchair.”

  “Where are we going?” I ask.

  “We are leaving. She’s going to be with her father.” I nod head. I wheel her out of the hospital. Paul helps Erika into the car. The boys apologize for her loss. When we get to the lake Dalson and Paul start digging a hole at Ben’s favorite tree by the lake that we all love to go to. I find a stone and I start carving my brother’s name into it when I just finish his name I turn to Erika.

  “Do you have a name for her?” She looks up with a small smile on her face.

  “Nicki Collins-Ryan.” I smile and start carving her name into the stone alongside fathers.

  “That’s a beautiful name.” Dalson said.

  “Ben always liked the name Nicki.” Paul says with a smile.

  “Yes he did.”Erika says with a big smile.” The boys place Ben body in his grave then they place Nicki in his arms. Erika grabs some dirt in her hands then puts it on the grave. The boys bury them then we go to a hotel for the night.

  Two Days Later

  All the guys are out on a business meeting, I grab my bag then head down the stairs and see Erika without her bag.

  “Where’s your bag?”

  “I’m not going.”

  “What the fuck do you mean you’re not

  “I have somethings to do, but you’re leaving.”

  “I’m not leaving without you.”

  “Yes you are Kenzi, I will be fine I have Dalson and Paul with me. I have some things to take care of here then I will meet you when I’m done.I just need you to stay safe.” I sigh.

  “You better be careful, knowing you you’re going to make him pay and I can’t wait for that day. I love you and will see you soon.”

  “I love you too, Kenzi.” I hug her tightly before I leave and I didn’t stop until I was in Scorpion territory.


  When I arrive at the compound, it was quieter than usual, I know Dalson has the girls today but it’s never this quiet then it hits me. They went to get more weapons today. Erika stumbles out of the room and I rush to her.

  “Are you okay?” I ask concerned. She grabs my hand and squeezes very fucking tightly. I look at her and all I see is her in pain. Fucking hell she’s in labor.

  “You are in labor aren’t you?”

  “Yes.” I go in to her room grab her hospital bag then help Erika to my car. As I’m driving to the hospital I call Devin.

  “Hey brother what’s going on? We are on our way back.”

  “Devin go straight to the hospital Erika is in labor, we are on our way there.”

  “Shit, I’ll meet you there tell her she can’t have my son until I get there.”

  “Are you stupid I’m not telling her that, I don’t want to die before meeting my nephew.”

  “Good point. See you both very soon.” When we get to the hospital Devin was waiting outside. I get her out of the car and hand her to him. When we get inside they take her to a room, and I stayed in the waiting room. I can’t believe it has been four years since Erika came and got me nobody understands how grateful I am to her and how happy I am to have this family.

  Four Years Ago

  Getting back to Miami I grab my phone out of my pocker and dial The Boss’s number.

  “Hello Rain, is it done?”

  “Of course it is. I will see you in a few days.”

  “You deserve a break. See you in a few days.” I hang up the phone and go straight to the hotel and take a nice hot shower. When my head hits the pillow I slip into the darkness. After my nap I went to the nearest bar. I take two shots then a beer.

  “Rain Montgomery?” I hear a woman say nervously.

  “Yes, who’s asking?” I ask with a deep tone.

  “My name is Erika Collins, I’m friends with your brother Storm.” Hearing my brother’s name come out of her mouth I turn so fast I almost fall.

  “Come with me.” I walk behind the bar there's a table that I was sitting at. I pull out a chair for her to sit down next to me. I sit across from her and she’s staring at me and I don’t know what she’s thinking about and it’s bothering me.

  “You and Storm look so much alike that you could be twins.” I couldn’t help but to laugh and it sounds weird since I haven't laughed in years.

  “And a similar laugh.” She says with a bright smile.

  “There’s a reason why I always called him my mini me.” I smiled.

  “He mentioned that to me once.”

  “Really how much did he tell you?” I ask concerned.

  “He told me his story and a little bit that had to do with you and I told him my story.”I nod my head.

  “My brother must trust you a lot to tell that horrible story and you trust him as well for telling your dark story.”

  “How do you know it’s a dark story?” She asked curiously.

  “It’s in your eyes.”

  “What do you see in my eyes?”

  “That you have been to hell and back and you saw some shit but you still have a shine in those eyes and I’m very impressed.” A small smile appears on her face and I couldn't help but to smile back.

  “What are you doing here Erika?” I ask.

  “To bring you home.” I raise an eyebrow in confusion.

  “I don’t have one Erika, where do you think my home is?”

  “With your brother where your family is at. Storm is like my big brother who is a big pain in my ass. Maybe one day you can think of me as your family as well. It took me about two months to find you and I’m not leaving here without you.” I can’t believe she would want a damaged guy to be a part of her family but I can see why Storm let her in.

  “Erika, no matter how much I want to leave and see my brother I can’t just leave. They will hunt me down and hurt anyone in the process. I won’t let you or my brother get hurt.”

  “I know you just met me, but I need you to trust me.” The fact that I do trust her scares me because I just met her, but if Storm trusts her why should I have a problem with it.

  “I trust you Erika. I’m guessing you have a plan.” She smiles and that answers my question.

  “Of course you can’t go on a rescue mission without a plan. You don’t have to worry about anything I have everything under control. I do have to go for the time being, but I will see you later. By the way it’s nice to finally meet you Rain.”

  “It’s nice to meet you too Erika.” As she left the bar I couldn’t stop thinking about her and getting back to Storm.

  Present Day

  I will always be grateful to Erika for getting me out of that hellhole and having me be a part of her family. We were waiting for about thirty minutes before Devin walks out. We all stand up and Devin has the biggest smile on his face.

  “Alright who’s ready to meet the newest member of the Scorpions?” Devin asks.

  “Is that even a question take me to my nephew.” I walk into the room and Erika looks up with a smile on her face.

  “Sam are you ready to meet your uncle Rain?”

  “Sam, I like it.” Erika hands me Sam, he’s so beautiful.

  “Hey little man I’m your uncle Rain and I will always have your back kiddo.” After a few minutes I hand him back to his mom and I sit on a chair watching the others take a turn holding Sam.

  A Week Later

  Laying down in bed I hear a familiar scream how the hell does this keep on happening to me. I run into Tessa’s room, I look at her and all I saw was water on the floor. Fuck me.

  “Your water just broke didn’t it?”

  “Yes.” I grab her favorite pants from the dresser and help her out of her wet pants then put her pants on. I grab her hospital bag and help her to the car. I grab my phone and dial Storm’s number as I’m driving.

  “Hey brother.”

  “Storm drive to the hospital now! Tessa’s water broke and to be honest I don’t think he’s going to wait long.”

  “Fuck I’m on my way.” When I stop the car at the hospital she screams again and pushes.

  “Don’t push yet Tessa.”

  “I’m trying not to!” She yells. Storm comes to the car with a wheelchair, perfect.

  “Rain, call Logan for me please.” Tessa says with a smile.

  “Of course.” Storm takes her while I call Logan.

  “Hey Rain, what’s going on?”

  “Tessa’s water just broke. Get to the hospital she wants you here.”

  “I’m on my way.” As I’m sitting in the waiting room my leg is bouncing up and down. I just want to meet my nephew already. About thirty minutes later Logan walks out.

  “Rain you’re up. Go meet your beautiful nephew.” The look on his face was mixed with happiness and sadness what the hell happened? Before I could ask he was gone. I walk in side the room and they both have the same look Logan did, and now I’m worried.

  “Do you guys want to tell me what happened in the last thirty minutes?”

  “Not right now later.” Storm says. Tessa hands me her son and he look just like me and Storm, he has his mom’s lips for sure.

  “What’s his name?” I ask. Tessa looked up at me and smiles brightly.

  “Austin Evans Montgomery.”

  “I love the name it’s perfect.” The fact that they using Logan’s last
name as well as ours is just fucking perfect. After two days Storm was able to bring Tessa and Austin home. After Austin fell back to sleep I grab Storm and take him to my room.

  “What’s going on Storm?” I ask concerned.

  “Logan left.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He left, he’s going to let us be a family just without him in it.” I run my hands through my hair what an idiot.

  “He will be back Storm.”