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- Delia Petrano
Wedding Woes (The Secret Series Book 4) Page 7
Wedding Woes (The Secret Series Book 4) Read online
Page 7
“Oh my god.” Aria says.
“What is it?”
“I found my dress.” She walks out of the changing room.
“Holy shit. Damn girl you look sexy as hell Able wont be able to keep his hands off of you. That dress is perfect.”
“Right I love it.” This dress is so perfect for them it has a beautiful tree on it. Like can you not see that her dress was made for her.
“Okay now we need to find the perfect blue dress for you.” Aria told me. We walk through the store and we spotted a few cute blue dress. I tried all of them on and it's all a no. Didn't look good on my or it just doesn't go.
“Aria I think I found my dress.” I yelled. I walk out of the dressing room. The look on her face I knew we found it.
“That it. It's perfect it even has a nice shine to it.” We scream with excitement.
“Okay one more dress and we are done.
“Oh my god look at this blue ribbon. This can go on her dress excuse me. I have a question.”
“Did you find all your dresses?” The owner ask.
“We are missing one more for my daughter. But I know what I want.”
“What will that be?” The owner ask.
“My exact dress but in gold with this ribbon around it.”
“Oh my god that sounds perfect.” I screamed.
“That will have to be made but it can be done. When do you need it done by?”
“Two months.”
“Okay it will be done by than.” That is perfect can't wait for this wedding.
“Thank you so much.” Aria said.
“You're very welcome glad I was able to help.” When we got in the car we screamed.
“We did it.” Aria yelled.
“We did and your idea for Kylie dress is just perfect.” I'm so excited about this wedding I been waiting years for this.
“Thank you.” Walking into the house Mark jumped on us.
“Have you been good and having fun?”
“Yes I was good.” Max nodded his head with a smile.
“Did you find your dresses?” Max ask us.
“Yes we did.” Aria says with excitement.
“That's good glad you got what you wanted sis.”
“Thank you. Everything is going perfectly.” We sat on the couch with our hands on our stomach. Mark walks up to me and kisses my stomach I love when he does that. Aria looks at us with a big smile on her face.
“Does Kylie do that with you?” I ask.
“Yes she does it's the cutest thing ever. Able takes pictures all the time. She even talks to the baby.”
“Mark and Max do the same thing it's so cute. The day I told him he kisses my stomach and start talking to the baby. It was cute he was like I'm your big brother I’m going to take care of you.”
“Awww that's so cute Kylie said something like that. I love when she talks to the baby.”
“Me to.” I told her.
“You need to get some rest and so do I. I will talk to you later love you.” Aria says.
“Love you to.” Laying down on my bed Mark claims on my bed. He puts his head on my stomach.
“Mommy when do we find out if it's a girl or boy but it better be a girl?” I laugh.
“A month or two.” I told him.
“It's a girl mommy I can feel it.” Max walks in.
“You think the baby is a girl.” Max laid down with us.
“I know the baby is a girl. She needs a name can I help pick her name?” Max and I look at each other with smiles on our face.
“Yes Mark you can help.”
“How about Star?” Max ask.
“No.” Mark said. I laugh.
“Okay how about Megan?” I ask.
“Do you have a name in mind Mark.” Max ask.
“I do.” We laugh I bet he had this name picked already.
“What's the name?” We ask.
“Keira.” He said and I like the name.
“I like it.” Max said.
“Really?” Said Mark he sounds so excited.
“What do you think mommy?”
“I love the name.” Mark screams with excitement.
“Yes.” He goes back to my stomach.
“Keira I will always be there for you when you need me even when you don't. I got you.” Tears running down my face I wipe them away. This is a great moment I can't wait for him to meet her. God please let the baby be a girl. Mark will be so disappointed if it's a boy. I put the tv on for us to watch as we fall asleep.
Walking down the stairs everyone is here in the living room the kids are running around playing tag. I love when we are all together it's always so much fun us all being together and watching the kids play together. It's a great sight to see I’m always taking pictures of them. Someone phone went off. I think it was John.
“Oh my god. Oh my god.” What's wrong John?” We all ask in union.
“The babies are coming.”
”What?” We all scream.
“The babies are coming it's time let's go.” We are all rushing grabbing a kid and running out the door. When we got to the hospital we watch Mikey as John and Nate went to the delivery room. I’m so excited I can scream. We have been waiting an hour before the boys came back out.
“They are here we have two beautiful girls and a beautiful baby boy.” We are all cheering.
“Can I see my baby sisters and brother now?” Mikey ask as he jumps up and down.
“Yes you can. You all can let's go.” John says. When we got in the room the babies were in there beds.
“They are so cute.” I said
“I want to see.” Mikey said. John picks him up and god I never seen him smile so big.
“Hi I’m your big brother Mikey.” We all smile at each other.
“Can I help pick their names?” Max and I start laughing.
“What's so funny?” Nate ask.
“Mark ask that same question he already had a name pick.” Mikey smiles.
“Do you have names Mikey?” Nate ask.
“Yes I do.” He said with a smile.
“Okay what's the names?” We ask in union.
“Bring me closer to the babies.” John gets closer to the babies and Mikey points the first baby.
“That's Mickey. She Mandy and she Kayla.” We all look at each other. We all giggle.
“I like those names good job Mikey.” John says.
“We are keeping the names?” Mikey ask with hope in his voice.
“Yes we are.” Nate says. Aria and I jumped up and down. Kylie looks at her mom and dad.
“I want to pick the baby name to.”
“Okay princess next month you can pick.” Able says. She jumps up and down.
Aria- I can't believe he pick those names.
Brook- Right I thought I was going to piss myself that perfect. You know John is excited with those names.
Aria- Hell yeah. I know I would be to.
“You two stop texting about the names.” Nate said.
“Busted.” Able says.
“Don't know what your talking about.” He rolls his eyes and we all laugh. We all hugged each other and congratulated the guys on their new babies.
“Shit.” Aria says.
“What's wrong?” We ask.
“We need two more dresses and a tux.”
“Relax Aria we will do that later.” Max says.
“Okay.” She says. We all decided to start heading home Mark is getting tired. When we got home and got him to bed he was out.
“Mikey picked the perfect name so did Mark now it's up to Kylie I have a feeling she going to make things perfect.” I tell Max.
“I can feel it to. Get some rest okay. I love you baby girl.”
“I love you to baby.” I put my head on his chest and I start falling asleep.
Part Three
Chapter One Aria
Waking up I feel so sick I run to the bathroom and puke.<
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"Aria are you okay?" I hear John yell.
"Yes I’m fine." Walking down the stairs I hug John.
"Are you sure you are okay?" I nod my head.
"Yes I just haven't been feeling good."
"Maybe we should deal with the flowers another day."
"Bite your tongue. We have to make sure they have the right flowers this time. Where is my nephew?" I ask curiously.
"Okay calm down it was just a suggestion. With his daddy." John drives me to the place where we might have the after at. When we got there I see Alex.
"Where is Uncle Samuel?" Oh fuck the face she made I know it's not good.
"Omg I told you all no violets." Shaking my head I put my hands on my hips.
"I'm not doing anything."
"Where is he?" I ask.
"threatening the flower guy." Shit. Walking into the room I see Samuel with his hands on the flower guy. I also saw Able and my dad part of it.
"Let him go Uncle Samuel!" He does what I said. My cousins look like they just got caught with there hands in the cookie jar.
"Didn't I tell you no violence."
"But he keeps on messing up the order." I look at the flowers I notices that they're not my flowers. For fuck sakes. I’m so piss at this point I grab the flower guy by his shirt.
"For the love of god Calla Lilies what is so hard to bring me my fucking flowers. Now you are going to get my flower. The next time I see you and you don't have my flowers you wont be walking out of here. Do you understand me?" I don't understand how this guy is still working at the flower shop he messed up my order a few times and he is getting on my nerves.
"Yes ma'am."
"Good now go."
"She is so your damn niece." My Dad says.
"You damn right she is." I turn and face my Uncle.
"You all promise no fucking violence."
"We didn't do anything." The boys said. I glared at them.
"I promise nothing will happen." Says Samuel.
"Good. Is everything else good?" I ask hoping everything else is fine.
"Yes everything else is all good."
"Great thank you for your help."
"No problem sweetheart." Samuel kiss my forehead.
Five years ago
Able, dad and I are walking home when we see Samuel. Able is not commutable with me near Samuel.
"Hey sweetheart."
"Hey Samuel." Able moves in front of me in a protectiveness way.
"I'm not going to hurt her." Says Samuel.
"He's right Able." We looked at my dad.
"Don't you think it's about time they hind out especially Aria?"
"Know what?" I look at my dad and I can't read him. I don't know what he's thinking.
"Tell me what?"
"Samuel is your uncle you and Able were never in trouble." I froze he my uncle am I dreaming or something.
"I'm your uncle Aria."
"Why didn't you tell me that he was my uncle. Why did you lie to me?"
"Aria." Dad tries to grab my hand but I pull it away.
"Don't touch me." I stormed away. Walking into the house I scream.
"What's going on?" Max ask with concerned
"Max did you know that Samuel is our uncle?"
"Excuse me you said what?"
"Samuel is our uncle."
"Are you fucking kidding me? Why did Mom and Dad not tell us?" Max is as piss as I am I can't believe they didn't tell us this.
"I don't know but I snapped a little."
"I don't blame you." I'm so mad that I just went to sleep.
Present day
Getting to the part all I hear is Mikey call for me.
"Aunty" Mikey runs to me and I pick him up.
"Hey Mikey hows my big boy doing?"
"Mommy." Kylie runs to me and I bend down to pick her up in my other arm.
"Hey sweetheart did you have run with your cousins?"
"Yes I did.”
"Aunty." Oh boy Mark runs up to me and I sit on the floor. Getting knocked down by three kids I giggle.
"Alright boys and girl let her get up." Says Max.
"Are you ready to go home?" I ask
"Yes. Can we watch a movie when we get home?"
"Yes of course." When we get home I put on a movie for the kids.
"Nate you look so tired."
"That's what happens when you are at the park with three kids." I smile I look at the kids and I see Mikey next to Kylie and I couldn't help but smile. I wrap my arms around Nate and John.
“When they get older they are so getting together."
"Hold up let's not go there." says Able.
"Are you saying our son is not good enough for your daughter." Nate says crossing his arms waiting for an answer.
"That's not what I meant. I just don't want to think about my daughter having a boyfriend. She fucking four years old damn it. And when she gets a boyfriend along time from now I'm cool with it being with Mikey anybody else is a hell no.” I couldn't help but to giggle.
"Understandable." When the movie finish the kids were asleep and we picked them up and put them to bed. They love their sleep overs we do it at least twice a month to make them happy.
Chapter Two Able
Getting woken up by a little girl jumping on you is not a great way to get up in the morning.
"Kylie what did I say about waking me up like this?"
"Not to wake you up by jumping on you. Sorry daddy. Aunty Brook is down stairs."
"Okay come here princess." I grab Kylie and toss her into the air and she giggles. God I love that sounds her giggle is similar to her mother's but still her own. I put her on my hip and walk down the stairs and I see my sister.
"Hey Brook how is everything going?" I ask with a smile on my face.
"Good Mark is with his dad. I was helping Aria with the cake."
"How did that go?"
"Good she pick her favorite and it looks beautiful."
"I bet it does. Where is she?" She wasn't behind Brook and that's a bit of a surprise.
"Give her a second." The door open and Aria walk in. kylie is wiggling out of my hold so I put her down. Kylie runs to Aria and she picks her up. Aria is giving kylie kisses all over. She walks over to me and kisses me.
"Everything is all most done just need to make sure they get my flowers right. I believe they will this time."
"I think so to. The guy want to walk still." The door opens and it's John, Nate and Mikey and the triplets.
"Hey boys how are you?" I ask.
"Good. Did you pick your cake today?” John ask.
"Yes I did." Mikey walk to me and hugs me I bend down to hug him properly. Max walks in with Mark.
"How is everyone today?" Max ask.
"Good. Aria picked out the cake today." I tell him.
"That's great. The big day is getting closer." Says Max.
"Yes it is I'm ready for it."
"Sis did you figure out what your going to do with your last name?"
"Yes I did." What is that supposed to mean?
"Who taking the kids today?" I ask.
"John and Nate." Max said.
"Shit." They both said. We all laugh.
"Have fun boys." I said.
"Fuck off." Nate tells me and couldn't help but laugh.
"Alright kids to the van." They scream and ran out of the house. Everyone left and it was just Aria and I. I grab Aria neck and pulled her to me. I push my tongue into her mouth and a moan escapes from her mouth and it makes me hard. Aria grabs my dick and squeeze it. I grown.
"Fuck Aria." I picked her up and carried her to our bedroom. I undressed my soon to be wife. I laid her down I start kissing down her body. I lick her nipple than sucked her nipple into my mouth. She moans. I lick and sucked on her other nibble I let it go with a pop. Kissing down her body I licked her folds as I my fingers play with her nibbles. Sucking on her clit I feel her body vibrate.
sp; “Please Able.” I know what she wants but she has to wait. As she comes all over my tongue I licked her all up. I claim up her body I lift a leg up and thrust inside her sweet pussy.
“Fuck Aria you are tight.”
“More give me more.” How can I say no especially to a pregnant women my women. I thrust harder and longer. She moans my name.
“Able.” Aria thrust with him me. As I come her pussy clenches around my dick. Aria comes hard on my cock. I lean down and kiss her.
“I love you Aria.” I love you to Able that will never change.” I kiss her again. I pulled her to my body we just laid there in each other's arms one of my favorite things to do.
“Are you ready to go?” I ask
“Yes I’m ready.”
“Thank you Max for watching Kylie for us.”
“Not a problem. Plus you will be doing this for us tomorrow.”
“Good point.” Aria said. I grab Aria her tea while she waits in the car.
“I’m so excited to find out the gender of the baby.” Aria says with excitement.
“Me to baby girl me too.” I hate having to wait for our name to get called it takes for ever. That's when we got called. I should complain more in my head if this will happen more often. We got up and walked into one of the rooms.
“Hi Aria how are you feeling?” The doctor ask.
“I’m good I do feel bigger than usual though.” Aria said and that's true she looks bigger this time around. I don't mind at all she looks sexy. But she worried about the baby.
“Lay down on the table.” She lays down on the table Aria looks nervous I grab her hand and squeezed it. I got a small smile from her. I looked at the screen but I didn't see anything before I got to panic I hear a heartbeat. The breath I was holding was released. When she moves to the other side We hear a heartbeat I did a double take. No fucking way.
“The reason why you feel bigger is because you are carrying twins.” Fuck I wasn't expecting that at all.
“Twin boys.” The doctor said. Holy crap twins boys Kylie is getting what she wants not just one but two.
“We are having boys?” Aria ask.
“Yes twin boys.” Thank the lord.
“Kylie is going to be so happy.” Aria said.
“Yes she will.” This is great news my little princess will be happy that she going to have a brother but two. I help Aria get in the car. I look at her and she looks nervous.