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- Delia Petrano
Wedding Woes (The Secret Series Book 4) Page 6
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“Mommy I’m done with my food.” I grab his hands.
“I have good news.” his eye brighten up. “What's the good news mommy?” Mark ask. “You are going to be a big brother.” He jumped off his seat.
“Really am I having a sister?”
“We don't know yet when we find out we will let you know.” I never seen him this excited. Mark puts his hands on my stomach.
“Please be a girl.” I hear him whisper. I thought I was going to cry this is just the perfect moment. I guess Max did to because he took a picture of Mark and me.
“That's not fair I want a baby brother.” Kylie pouted I couldn't help but to laugh that was the cutest thing ever. Aria grabs Kylie hand. “Calm down Kylie you are going to be a big sister.”
“Really. Is it a boy?”
“We don't know yet.” Kylie did the same thing that Mikey did god these kids are so cute. Everyone knows that they are going to have siblings and they are all so excited it makes me happy. We start cleaning up the kids need their nap and I might take one myself. Walking into the house Max put everything away I laid on the couch. Mike carefully lays on me and start walking to my stomach. This is the perfect moment. He insists that the baby is a girl and I hope the baby is Mark will have a heart attack if the baby is a boy.
“I’m your big brother Mark. I’m going to take good care of you when you get here nobody will ever hurt you.” Max leans on the wall with a big smile on his face that matches mine. “You are in good hands Mommy and Daddy are great you will love them. But your big brother got everything covered. I love you baby sister.” Mark kisses me stomach and I start crying. I kiss Mark head. As his body relax I know he fell asleep. Max walks up to us. “Do you want me to put him into bed?” “No leave him.” I wrap my arms around my little boy and fell fast asleep.
Able- Are you ready?
Brook- Yes I’m ready.
Able- Be there in five be down stairs when i get there.
Brook- I will see you soon.
Grabbing my sandals I slide them on then walk down the stairs. When I got down stairs Able walk through the door.
“Are you ready for your day out?”
“Yes I'm ready.” I kiss my boys than went with my brother. When we got to the nail salon I got my feet done and it felt great. My feet been bothering me so this is a great treat. After that Able took my to get new shoes I need new commutable shoes.
“How are you feeling Brook?”
“Good I’m getting hungry through.”
“What do you want to eat?”
“Pizza.” We walk to the pizza shop I sat while he ordered.
Aria- How’s brother and sister day going?
Brook- It's great got my feet down got new shoes. Now we are about to eat pizza.
Aria- That's great enjoy your day.
Brook- Thank you.
Able place our food on the table and I grabbed a slice. Today is a fun day I’m glad we did this just the two of us. As we are finishing our food I spot the cutest dress.
“Able look at that dress.” He turns his head and smiles.
“That dress would look good on you.” We walk into the store and got the dress in two colors blue and grey. We found a few more cute dresses that would be cute on me. Able put all the bags into the car. I wrap my arms around his neck.
“Thank you for today Able I had a lot of fun.” He wraps his arms around me.
“You're welcome I had fun today to. Come let's get you home.” Able says.
“You guys should spend the night.”
“Should we now?” I smile.
“Yes.” We got in the car I looked at my brother with the puppy dog eyes he never can say no when I do that.
“Brook stop doing that. I was going to say yes so just stop with those eyes.” Smiling to myself I know he secretly likes when I do it. When we got home the kids were in there pjs. “ The movie is already picked out we just got to put the kids to bed. Alright Mark and Kylie bed time.”
“Ill raise you to bed.” Kylie says.
“You are on.” They ran up the stairs.
“Be careful.” I yelled. These kids will give me a heart attack one day. They are always raising each other. I can't get mad Able and I use to raise all the damn time. We still do once in awhile. Able looks at me and smiles.
“When I see our kids like this it reminds me of us. I see us when I look at them.”
“I do to. Especially when I just saw them running up the stairs.”
“I know what you mean. We use to do that a lot when we were younger.”
“Yes we did.” No matter how old we get we are still connection to our child side. We walk to his bedroom they were already in bed. We tucked them in and they fell asleep. We kisses both kids before we left the room. Those two alone are going to cause trouble you add Mikey to it they are just trouble makers and mind you we are not done we are all having kids again. I love my trouble makers each and every one. Sitting on the couch Max press play on the movie.
“Rush hour. I love this movie.”
“We know.” Max and Able say in union.
“Do you have tea?” Aria ask.
“Yes I do.” I got up and grabbed Aria and myself tea. Getting back to the living room we all got commutable on the couch to watch the movie.
Chapter Five.Max
I’m not even down stairs and I can hear the commotions.
“Do we have to do this to day?” John ask.
“Yes we do.” I said as I walk down the stairs. When I get to the last step I see why John doesn't want to do this today.
“You look like shit.” I told John.
“Thanks dick head. Mikey is getting sick he had a hard time sleeping so I got no sleep. I just want to be home with my son and sleep my life away.”
“I get that trust me I know how you feel but we need to get our tux and the boys there's.” John put his head to the wall. Nate wraps his arms around John.
“She is so lucky I love her. Let's go before I get grumpy.” John says. With that comment we leave the house. We don't need him getting grummy. Been there done that don't want a repeat of that it's not pleasant at all. As we get in the car John falls asleep on Nate.
“Please tell me you helped him with Mikey last night?” Nate put his head down in shame.
“Able smack him.” I didn't even have to finish my sentence when Able smacked Nate.
“Why didn't you help him?” We said in union.
“I was so damn tired. John just kept getting up and telling me to sleep so I did.”
“You are a dumbass.” Able and I say in union. When we got to the store I carefully woke John up.
“I’m up.” He says. I wrap my arm around him and we walk inside.
“After this you can get some sleep.” John gives a small smile.
“I have to take care of Mikey.” John says.
“You are not the only parent. Plus you need to take care of yourself so you can take care of Mikey.”
“Point made.” He says. Walking in I for got what color shirt she wanted.
“Fuck.” They all looked up at me.
“What is it?” They ask.
“I forgot the colors. Does she want us in blue with gold tie or the kids in blue with some gold.”
“Fuck.” They say in union and John puts his head on my shoulder. I take out my phone carefully so I don't move so much since John is on my side.
Max- I have a question.
Aria- It's about the colors right?
Max- Yes it is. Do we get the blue shirt with gold or does the kids?
Aria- You guys get the blue with the gold tie the kids wear gold with some blue.
Max- Okay I got it thank you.
Aria- No problem get those tux.
“Okay we get the blue shirts with gold tie and the kids get to wear the gold with some blue.”
“Okay let's gets these tux so I can sleep.” John says.
“Yes let's make this quick it shouldn't take us long we know everyt
hing we need.” Looking for the perfect blue is a bitch like there's so many damn blues.
“I found it.” Nate yells.
“Thank god.” John says. I’m so with him we been here for an hour.
“I found the gold ties.” I yelled. We met up and the changing rooms. We all tried our tux on. John was the first to come out.
“Damn John you look good.” He smile for the first time since I saw him today.
“Thank you.” John says.
“Back off Max he’s mine.” Nate says. I couldn't help but to laugh.
“You know I’m his side man and I’m okay with it.” John laughs and it's a beautiful sound.
“Shut up Max he is mine all mine not yours.” He glares up at me. John and I giggled to ourselves.
“Keep telling yourself that.”
“Okay that's enough you two.” Able says. john is just laughing his ass off it's good to see him laugh even if he so damn tired.
“I was just giving him a compliments.”
“Yes I know but still just stop it's too early for this.”
“Fine.” We got all the tux ours and the boys we are done for the day thank god. Driving back to my place John fell asleep again poor thing needs sleep. I wake him up again.
“Come on let's get you to bed.”
“Sounds like a plan.” John says with a smile.
“I heard that Max.” Nate yelled. I wrap my arm around him and took him to one of the bed rooms.
“John is a sleep so don't bother him. Nate you better help him tonight.”
“I will.”
“Good I don't want to see him like this again.” I glared at him.
“I don't either trust me.”
Aria- Did you get the tux?
Max- Yes we did. The only thing is left that you need are the dresses and cake.
Aria- That's about right. Brook and I will take care of the dresses next week.
Max- Sounds good to me. Everything's coming together well sis
Aria- Yes it is and i want to thank you for all your help with my wedding planning and getting things ready.
Max- Of course that's what big brothers are for helping there little sister when they need it. And i always will be there if you need me or not
Aria- I know thanks??
It was about four hours since we got to my place and John just started coming down the stairs he looks alot better than this morning. John sat on my lap and kiss my check.
“Thank you for letting me sleep I really need it. I don't feel like a damn zombie.”
“It's no big deal.”
“John get the fuck off Max.” We start laughing. John gets up and walks over to Nate.
“I completely forgot how jealous Nate gets when it comes to you.” I said.
“I haven't ever time a guy checks me out he gets all possessive but I love it.” I'm so glad these two found each other.
“I don't blame him at all we are all possessive so it's okay.” We all nodded our heads.
“I want to get back to my son see you guys later.” John says.
“Bye cutie pie.” Nate glares up at me.
“Don't worry I still like you to hot stuff.” John laughs as they walk out of the house. Today was a great day needs to happen more often.
Wake from a deep sleep I hear Mark scream. I jump up and run to his room. When I got to him he was coughing and he was sweating. Oh please don't be sick. When I grab him he was burning up. Brook walks in.
“What's wrong?” She ask.
“He sick he burning up where the thermometer?” Brook hands me the thermometer I place it under his tongue. Oh fuck 103.
“Get the car keys.” I pick him up and cared him to the car. Driving like a crazy man We got to the hospital in ten minutes. He with the doctor they are taking test to find out what's wrong with him. Out of the three kids Mark got the worse of it. The other two didn't get a high fever like this. I thought he was getting better but man was I wrong. Pacing the room Brook wraps her arms around me.
“Mark is going to be fine he will get through this. He is a very strong boy just like his daddy.” Brook says.
“Brook he never been like this before. He never screamed like that. It scared the fuck out of me.” Running my hands through my hair I took a deep breath.
“I know baby it scared me to but our little boy is strong.”
“I know I need to tell my sister.” I already did they are both on their way here.” Brook told me she always knows what I need. I kiss her lips.
“Max!” I turn around and Aria wrapped her arms around me.
“Mark is going to be just fine he a strong boy he gets that from his dad.”
“Thanks for being here sis.”
“There's no wear I rather be.” I might be the big brother but my sister is my rock she always there for me and vice versa. We are in Mark's hospital room and he connected to mechans I never wanted to see this shit again it just reminds me when Brook was in the hospital. Not a fun memory either. Able smacks me he most likely knew where my mind went to.
“What's wrong with my son?” I ask the doctor. “He has the flu it's the real strong one that's been going around. He will have to stay for a few days and see what happens over time.” The doctor left the room.
“The flu. He has the damn flu how?”
“It's has been going around he been in the park a lot more than usual and the other two.” Says Brook.
“You should go home you can't get sick the both of you need to go.” I told them.
“We are staying.” The girls say in union.
“Max is right we don't need you both getting sick like this when you're both pregnant.” Able says.
“Fine we will go but I want message and facetime do you both understand me?” Brook said.
“Yes now please go I don't need you all getting sick on me.” They left the room I know they are not happy but they can't get sick. Able stayed with me as we watch my little man. I can't believe he this sick and I hate it there's nothing I can do for him. I barely sleep through the night.
Max- Nothing has Changed still the same.
Brook- My poor baby. Did you sleep at all?
Max- Not really.
Brook- You need to get some rest to don't make me come down there.
Max- No you don't need to do that i will get some rest.
Brook- Good.
To make my wife happy I went to sleep. Waking up his fever has gotten higher somehow. I just want my son to get better soon. The doctor gave him some antibiotic he is still sleeping. My phone went off and it was the girls facetiming us.
“How is he?”
“His fever has gotten higher they just gave him antibiotic.”
“Why is he not getting better?” Brook ask.
“I don't know baby the flu he has is a bitch he needs to rest as much as possible even when he gets better he still needs to take it easy the doctor said.” Brook face falls I hate seeing her like that.
“Of course he won't be going to the park for a month.” Brook said.
“Make sure you both eat.” Able said.
“We will making a sandwich now.”
“Good we will call later go eat.” We hanged up. It's been a week and Mark is finally starting to get better the doctor says he can go home in a few days I’m so damn happy about this. Can't wait to take him home.
Max- Mark can come home in a few days.
Brook- That's great news I miss my babies.
Max- We miss you to baby. I love you baby girl.
Brook- I love you to see you soon.
I know she is impatient she wasn't see her baby boy in a week and I know it's killing her.
“Mark ready to go home?”
“Yes I want to see Mommy.”
“she wants to see you to buddy.” Walking inside the house I see her pacing the room. She turn around and she had a big smile on her face when she saw Mark.
“Mommy.” He ran into her arms she wraps her arms aro
und Mark.
“Hey baby boy mommy missed you so much.”
“I miss you to mommy.” We walk into the living room Lilo and stitch is on. Mark sat next to his mom as they both watch the movie. It's good to be home but it's great seeing my wife and son together. I don't want to go through that again in my life that was not a great experience and I don't want that to happen again. It's been a crazy week and a half. I made them both something to eat and if he likes it or not he will be drinking some tea with his mom.
“Daddy that's mommy tea.”
“Yes I know buddy but you need to have some tea to it's good for you and it will make you feel better.”
“Okay daddy.” I thought it would be a fight but it wasn't at all thank god. They both fell asleep on the couch half way through the movie. I cover them both then I went to sleep.
Chapter six Brook
Walking into Mark’s room I sit on his bed and play with his hair.
“Mark are you going to be good for daddy when I’m gone?” I ask for the last three weeks he hasn't felt my side since he got home from the hospital and I’m so happy he is home and feeling better.
“Yes mommy.” He nods his little cute head.
“Good. I better not hear you are being bad.”
“You won't mommy I’m a good boy.” God when he gets older he going to be so much like his daddy just not the messing with girls feelings I will beat his ass if he gets like that. I get in the car with Aria.
“Ready to get these dresses?” Aria ask.
“Hell yes I’m ready.” As we are driving to the dress shop we are jamming to music. We start singing Cheap Thrills. Getting out of the car I grab our tea. Walking into the shop there where so many cute dresses we are going to be here for a while.
“We should get your dress first.” I told her. We been waiting so long for this day. There's excitement for everybody. I can't wait for their big day. We told the owner ahead of time that the dress she picks will probably need a bigger size when the time comes. Aria is going to be pregnant at her wedding that just makes it more perfect. We been looking and trying on dresses for four hours and none of them is her wedding dress she starting to panic that she won't find her dress.