Following My Heart Read online

Page 6

  "Not that I don't like this, but what are you doing?" Nick asked with his head tilted to the side. I unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down.

  "Stress relief." I grab his cock with both my hands as I lick the head. Nick groans as his head falls back. I lick from base to tip swirling my tongue. I take him to the back of my throat.

  "Fuck." Nick grabs my hair as he thrust his hips forward. He taste better than I thought he would. Nick tries to pull me up, but I'm not going to stop now. I suck faster until he comes down my throat salty but good. I might be hard as a rock right now, but Nick's body is relaxed just how I wanted it. I pulled up his pants as I got up.

  "For a man who has never gave a blowjob until now you were way to fucking good at it." I smirk and he shakes his head with a smile.

  "I guess all the years of watching sucking on popsicles came in handy."

  "No fucking kidding." I took him to the bed and we laid there what felt like forever in each other's arms, it was a great feeling and I never want to leave.

  Chapter Six


  Feeling lips on my neck I turn my head and kiss his lips.

  "You are lively this morning." He pushes his erection on my side and I chuckle.

  "Are you hinting at something?" Tristan pins me down as he looked into my eyes all I see is desire and lust in them. I thrust my hips forward and he smirks. Tristan slid his finger inside of me in and out repeatedly. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the idea that Tristan is finally mine it feels like a dream.

  “No more of the fingers.”

  “Are you sure shouldn’t I loosen you up more?”

  “It’s okay just put it in already please.”

  “As you wish.” Tristan spread my legs more as he thrust inside me my head falls back as he thrust back inside of me.

  “Fuck, you feel better than anything I could’ve thought of.” I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist as he thrusts deep inside me.

  “I feel the same way. This feels so good.” I bit his collarbone and sucked on it and left my mark and I repeated it on the other side. As Tristan thrust in and out of me he sucks on my neck. I can feel his love and want in every thrust he makes I thrust my hips forwarded and we moan together.

  “Fuck.” I moaned. Tristan grabs my cock and rubs it in rhythm to his thrust. My head snaps back as my back arched off the bed and I come hard as he comes inside me. Feeling him inside me is the best feeling I have ever felt. Tristan lays on top of me and I wrap my arms around him. Did that really just happen? Tristan looked up at me and kisses me softly and I kiss him back. That really did happen I still feel like I’m dreaming.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing I just feel like this is a dream and I don’t want to wake up from it.”

  “Trust me it’s not a dream this is real.” Tristan grabs my hand and places it on his chest and his heart is beating fast and I couldn’t help the smile that appeared on my face. His heartbeat matches my own and it feels great knowing that.

  “I love you Nick more than you know.” I pull him closer to my body and kissed him deeply sliding my tongue inside his mouth licking every inch.

  “I love you too Tristan so much.” My phone goes off and Tristan passes me my phone.

  “It’s the Pres.”

  “Hey Pres what’s going on?”

  “I forgot to tell you that you need to go in early today. You are now in charge and there’s a delivery today.”

  “Alright I got it don’t worry I’ll take good care of the place.” Hayden laughs.

  “I’m not worried about that, I trained you for this business so you can take over when the time comes it’s just happening sooner than I expected it to.”

  “You can always take it back when things settle down.”

  “That’s true, but I’m not going to do that though I will help with the place when things calm down.”

  “Alright I will talk to you later then, see you Pres.”

  “See you later oh when things cool down we need to have a talk.”

  “About what?”

  “You becoming an official member of the Mayhem Knights.”

  “Should’ve known that would come up sooner or later.”

  “Yes, now think about it before we have that discussion real soon.”

  “Got it see you soon.” I hang up my phone than place it on the table.

  “So what’s going on?” Tristan said with a worried look on his face.

  “Nothing to worry about there’s a delivery today so I have to go in early today is all.”

  “Okay do you want me to drop you off?”

  “Yes that would be great thank you.”

  “Not a problem.” I got up and started getting ready for work.

  When I got to the nightclub Jake was already there waiting for me.

  “You know you didn’t need to come in early too.”

  “I know, but I thought you can use a hand is all.”

  “Thanks I appreciated that.”

  “Not a problem. Oh Nick, I'm very happy for you and Tristan it took a long time for you guys to get to where you're at now.”

  “Thanks Jake."

  "Hayden told me that you're in charge now should I be worried about anything?" Jake asked with a worried look on his face.

  "Don't worry, everything is going to be fine things are just a little out of sorts is all." Jake has been apart of this family for years he's like me apart of the family, but not officially a member of the club. He's also not a person to be messed with either, Jake is just as violent as the rest of us. We all decided not to bring up anything about Hale’s whereabouts since we don't know where he is and that's going to set him off. It's bad enough Jake is pissed with Hale, but I do understand why Hale left without telling Jake anything not even a goodbye. Hale says he will explain when he gets home, I just don't think it's going to be that easy for him Jake is a very stubborn man just like the rest of us who are hurting. Jake asks about him once in awhile I just hope he doesn't ask about Hale right now because I don't want to lie to him.

  "You got a message from Hayden."

  "Okay thanks." I go over to the bar and grab my phone.

  Hayden- How is everything? Did we get everything that we ordered?

  Nick- Yes we got everything and it's all put away. Got any information yet?

  Hayden- Not yet, but I think we are getting close.

  Nick- That's good anything on Hale?

  Hayden- No not yet, but don't worry he's fine I just know he will get in contact with us soon.

  Nick- I hope so I don't like keeping things from Jake.

  Hayden- I know none of us do, but if he finds out we don't know where Hale is he's going to lose it.

  Nick- Yeah I know he just needs to come home already.

  Hayden- He will. I have to go talk to you later.

  So far the night is going well no mishaps or anything bad, but it's still early, I need to keep an eye out for anything suspicious around the club. Half way through the night I spotted two men who look very suspicious and one of them looks familiar but I can't place where I've seen him from. I walked over to Dan he's one of our security guards.

  "Keep an eye on those two over there something is off with them."

  "Got it sir."

  "Dan please just call me Nick"

  "I'll try." I gave him a smile and went back to the bar with Jake.

  "Is something wrong?" Jake asks.


  "Does it have to do with those two suspicious guys over there." I followed his gaze and I nodded my head.

  "Yeah there's something off about them."

  "Yeah I can see that and the short one looks familiar."

  "So I'm not the only one who thinks that." Jake and I started serving drinks to our customers I carry on keeping an eye on those two men who look more suspicious walking about my club like they are looking for someone. One of the men starts walking towards the bar and I see a badge a detective
huh. I have a bad feeling about this, a dirty cop in my club I'm not liking this one bit.

  "Sorry to bother you, do you know where the owner is?" Hayden was right he is next on the list.

  "Your looking at him how can I help you?" I say calmly with a smile.

  "You’re the owner?" He asked with a shocked tone. Hayden was smart to sign over the club to me. I won't let anyone mess with my family.

  "Yes I am."

  "Sorry I guess I have false information."

  "Its okay if there's anything I can help with please let me know."

  "Oh no it's nothing at all, sorry to bother you sir."

  "Not at all." The man walks away and goes to the other man he leans in and tells him something and he didn’t take it well at all. His face turned bright red and he stormed out.

  “So Hayden was right he’s next. What the hell is going on?” Jake asked with concern.

  “If someone is after the club where is Hale he’s in danger to?” Shit I was really hoping this wouldn't come up.

  “We will talk about this after work okay?”

  “Okay.” We all need to have a family meeting and figure out a plan to resolve this without losing anyone in the family. Jake went back to work and I need to go around making sure things are fine. I sigh heavily things are going to get worse before it gets better I looked up and when I did I see Hale my eyes widen in shock seeing him a few feet away from me all bruised up. I was so shocked I couldn’t even move an inch to him worried that I’m just hallucinating for the fact that I’m so worried about him. He opened his arms and I ran and jumped into them wrapping my whole body around him.

  “It’s good to see your beautiful face Nick.” Hale says and the tears start to flow down my cheek.

  “You bastard making me worry about you like this.” Hale rubs my back. Thank god he’s okay.

  “I’m sorry I made you worry so much.”

  “Do you know what’s been going on lately and then you went silent you bastard do you know how worried we were, I should kick your ass right now.”

  “I know I’m sorry about that things got complicated towards the end. We need to have a meeting tonight.”

  “Yeah I know I was going to send a message about a family meeting and Jake is going to be apart of it after what happened tonight.”

  “The two guys that were here just a little while ago?”

  “Yeah do you know them?”

  “Yes and we all know one of them.”

  “The short one who looks so damn familiar. Oh and you need to explain everything to Jake.”

  “I know Nick, how is he?”

  “Worried about you and he’s hurt what you did was not okay.” I release him and looked up at him there pain in his eyes.

  “I know, I will make it up to him for the rest of my life.” These two are so damn stubborn they won’t tell each other how they feel for one another it’s frustrating. Hale walks over to Jake and you can see all the emotions Jake is feeling all over his face and his eyes. I send a quick message on the family group chat.

  Nick- Family meeting tonight.

  Hayden- Got it.

  Troy- Okay see you later than

  Adam- Okay I’ll be there.

  Tristan- Do you want me to pick you up?

  Nick- No I got a ride.

  Hayden- Is Jake coming to this meeting?

  Nick- Yes I did say family meeting didn’t I?

  Hayden- Alright see you all soon.

  I walked back to the bar and Jake looks furious and Hale looks likes he’s in pain.

  “Jake I’m sorry let me explain please.”

  “I don’t want to hear it.” Hale should’ve seen this coming.

  “I set up the family meeting everyone will be there and we will talk about everything that is going on and who is behind this. I’m guessing you know who it is Hale?”

  “I do.”

  “Great we will start discussing everything in the meeting.” Jake nods his head and got back to serving drinks. Hale looks at me with sad eyes and I sigh heavily.

  “You have to give him some time Hale you should've seen this coming. Everything will get explained tonight after that it’s up to the both of you to figure out what’s next.” I gave him a glass of bourbon and he drank it in one gulp. He has a lot of work cut out for him, but he’s going to have to man up and deal with the consequences.

  Chapter Seven


  The longer I don't hear anything from Hale the more worried I get. Between everything that's going on right now it's hard to figure out where to start at. I couldn’t be more frustrated than I am now and the fact that we don’t know where Hale is will set Jake off and he can be reckless when he’s worried about the person he loves. This family has been through a lot together and losing another member is not a fucking option. I sighed heavily and I felt hands on my shoulders I look back and Adam gives me a smile.

  “We will find him don’t worry.”

  “Yeah I know, it’s just…”

  “I know he’s our brother and we lost enough. In my heart I know he’s fine we will come home as soon as he can, you know that he won’t stay away when we are going through something like this.”

  “What if he doesn’t know what’s going on?”

  “I highly doubt that we always know when one of our own is in trouble I wouldn’t be surprised if he walks in any second now.” The door opens and my head snaps back Nick and Jake walk in together and Nick has the brightest smile on his face. They walk in more and that’s when Hale walks in and we all rushed at him. God seeing him with my own eyes makes me feel so much better.

  “What did I tell you?” Adam says with a chuckle and I laugh. The family is finally whole again and it’s a great feeling.

  "Welcome home Hale." Hayden says with a bright smile.

  "It's good to be home, but we have a problem at home, don't we?"

  "Yeah, I'm guessing you know what's been happening the last two weeks?"

  "Yeah I tried to come home when Tristan’s accident happened, but things got complicated. First off I'm so fucking happy you are all safe." We all moved to the sitting room.

  "Likewise brother you had us worried."

  "Yeah I'm very sorry for that. As you can see, things got out of hand the last two weeks."

  "So they are behind this?" Hayden asks in a serious tone.

  "Yes the Dogs MC are back in, it's just more complicated. The president is the son of the last president that our parents dealt with. Not everyone in the club wants a war with us half of them are trying to avoid it while the other half wants the war. They’re are good people in that club who just want to help their town just like we do, but others just want revenge. Thomas also has a dirty detective in his pocket the man you saw at the club Nick, they are both in town since their plan was spoiled so he's going into hiding."

  "Because Hayden signed me over the club."

  "Exactly. They have multiple hideouts and I don't know which one he's going to be at. In all honesty we need to find each hideout and destroy everyone in it, everyone that's in the hideout are the ones who want the war to happen I already told the guys who wants a peaceful outcome to not go anywhere near the hideout."

  "Okay do you know where one is at?" Troy asks.

  "Yes I know about one, see not everyone knows about where they are all located there's at least two people in a hideout that will know where the other hideout is located."

  "So we need to find someone who knows where the next one is located at." I said irritated this is not going to be easy but it's smart though.

  "There is someone in town knows where one of them are at just need to get it out of him." Hale says.

  “Who is it? Where can we find him?” Nick asks.

  “He goes by Stinger and finding him is easy he will be at the closest bar.”

  “I think we should start this hunt tomorrow morning.” Hayden says and we all nodded our heads. Hale looks at Nick and gives him a smile.

  “So Nic
k have you become a member yet?”