Wedding Woes Page 5
“I like that idea let's do it.” After eating we went back to shopping we made for to get clothes that we can wear throughout our pregnancy.
“I’m tired. I don't remember getting tired like this, This early in my pregnancy.” I sigh as I look at all the bags in my hands.
“Maybe you are farther along than you think.” Aria said.
“Maybe I do kinda look like I’m about four months.”
“We need to see the doctor.” Aria said.
Before we tell the boys we want to go to the doctor to make sure everything is good and well. Sitting in the waiting room I’m pretty tired.
“Mrs. Turner.” We both get up and walk into the room.
“Hey ladies how are you feeling?”
“Pretty good.” We said in union.
“Okay who is first?”
“Aria can go first.” Aria lays down on the table.
“Okay Aria everything looks good. You are eighteen weeks.”
“Really wow.”
“Did you both just find out?” The doctor ask.
“Yes.” She nods as she gets off the table.
“Okay Brook it's your turn.” I laid down on the table I feel the cold jelly on my stomach.
“Everything looks good girls. You are seventeen weeks.” The doctor said.
“Damn Aria we are a week apart.”
“Wow did the boys make a plan to get us pregnant at the same time.” We laugh.
“Girls I want to see you both the beginning of next month.”
“Okay see you soon doc.” Getting into the car we look at each other than scream with excitement.
“We should get some food I’m hungry.” I said.
“Same here.” Aria drove to Publix we got a sandwich and chips. We went down the street to get our tea.
“I’m going to drive you home but I’m eat at your place.” Says Aria.
“That's perfectly fine.” When we got to the house Mark runs to Aria.
“Hey little man how was your day with daddy.”
“It was fun.”
“That's good.” We sat at the table and we start eating.
“How was your day out girls.” Max ask.
“Pretty good.”
“That's good.” We all hug each other than Aria left.
“Mark it's bedtime.”
“But mommy the movie is not over yet.” How can I say no to that?
“When the movie is over bed.” I tell him.
“Okay thank you.” Max wraps his arms around me as he kiss my neck.
“Can you put Mark to bed after the movie?”
“Yeah are you going to sleep?”
“No I want to take a shower.”
“Go take your shower.” Walking up the stairs I put my hand on my stomach. Stepping into the shower the water feels great. The water is hitting my face. I feel hands on my body.
“Mark is fast asleep.” Max says as he kisses my neck. Max hands slide down my body. As his hands go lower my body shudders.
“Spread your legs for me Brook.” I obey and spread my legs for him. Max fingers play with me. God I love how well he knows my body. Max fingers slide in and out of my pussy. It feels amazing I will never get tired of him. I moan.
“Come for me Brook.” I came all over his fingers. I lean on Max. He shuts off the shower Max wrap a towels around my body than carries me to our bedroom. Max drops me on our bed.
“I love when you get all cave man like.”
“I know you do. Now are you going to be a good girl or do I have to tie you up.”
“I guess I’m going to be a bad girl tonight.” I said with a smirk.
“Don't move.” Max says. Max goes to his dressier and takes out my favorite it's blue and grey. When Max turns around I was on my knees.
“Didn't I say don't move.”
“Yes.” I nod waiting in anticipation
“Yes what?” He ask.
“Yes Sir.”
“Better now lay on your back.” I obey. Max ties my hands. I move my hands but he stops me.
“No moving.” Max lines up his cock to my entrance than sinks inside of me. I moan. Max thrust hard and fast I wrap my legs around him. I match Max thrust with my own.
“More.” I moan.
“Fuck baby.” Our thrust are in sink our body's coming together as one.
“Come for me Brook. Come on my cock.” That's exactly what I did I came hard and long. Max riding out our orgasm together. As our breathing slowing down he pulled out and untied me. Max wraps me into his arms.
“I love you Brook.”
“I love you to Max.” We snuggle closer together as we start falling asleep.
Chapter Three Max
“Max.” I hear my name get called so I walk into the kitchen.
“Mark and I are leaving now so you won't be bothered while you are trying to figure out the center pieces.”
“Thank you. Where are you going to be at?”
“My brothers.”
“Okay have fun the both of you.” I kiss my wife and my son before they walked out the door.
Grabbing all the magazine in the dressier I walk back into the living room and laid them out on the table. I Promise my sister that I would help her with her wedding and I plain on doing whatever I can to make sure my sister wedding is perfect and no more drama nobody is going to mess up my sister wedding. I will kill them if I have to. My sister is everything to me she comes first no matter what. Family is everything.
Grabbing the marker I start going through the magazine. I hear the door open and close I look over and it's Nate.
“Hey Nate what's up?”
“Just checking up on you. How is the center pieces coming along?”
“Still looking nothing looks good. I went through six magazine all ready. How are you doing and the boys?”
“We are good. Mikey been bugging us about having a baby sister.” Nate said I start laughing.
“What's so funny?” Nate ask.
“Mark is to. He told us a few days ago that he wants a baby sister.”
“Really. That is funny. Do you think they are tag teaming us to get what they want?” Nate ask.
“Our boys tag teaming yes I do but it's okay I plan on getting Brook pregnant again.” We both laugh.
“That's great. How about I help you go through the magazine?”
“That would be great thanks.”
“What is family for?” I hand Nate some magazine and a marker. We start going through them once again.
“I got it. This would be perfect.” Nate leans in and cock his head.
“Are you sure about that?”
“Not this one. It just gave me the idea.”
“Okay what is it then.”
“So picture this glass with a beautiful tree on it with blue and gold marbles inside than you put the water and her favorite flower inside the glass.”
“That is perfect great job Max she going to be so happy.”
“That's my job making her happy if Aria is not happy than I’m not doing my big brother duty”
“let's show her your idea.”
“Good idea. Your driving?”
“Yes I am.” As we get to the house I grab the magazine and we walked in.
“Aria.” I yell. That's wear I forgot all the kids are in the same house and all three ran to me. Nate helps me my grabbing them when they jump on my thank god for him being here. I would of fell on my ass again.
“Mommy in the living room.” Kylie says.
“Thank you princess now you all go play.”
“Okay.” They say in union. Walking into the living I sat next to my sister.
“Hey Max I thought you was looking for center pieces.” She ask.
“I know I got the perfect center pieces.”
“Okay well show me.” I open the magazine to the page the has my idea on.
“Wait before you say anything ju
st listen to my image first.”
“Okay I’m listening.”
“imagine the glass has a beautiful tree on it. Than inside the glass there will be blue and gold marbles inside the glass. Than add the water and your favorite flowers inside.” I look at my sister's face after I explain my idea she was glowing and has a big smile on her face. She wraps her arms around my neck.
“I love it Max thank you.” I wrap my arms around her and kiss her head.
“Of course I told you I will help with whatever you need that's what big brother's are for.” Talking about my sister wedding makes me think of mine three years ago it was one of the best day's of my life and I wouldn't change a damn thing.
What the fuck the only thing I feel is getting jump on and it's not my son.
“Max wake up.”
“Aria what the fuck are you doing? Stop jumping on me you are not five.”
“What's your point? Get up.” She continue to jump on me so I grab her and pinned her to the bed. But she got out and pinned me what the fuck. We start rolling around on the bed and somehow ended on the floor. Brook and Able are laughing their asses off. Aria stops struggling with me.
“Damn you gotten stronger.” She laughs.
“Did you think I works out for show?”
“No but I didn't think you got that strong. I help my sister up. I look at Brook and Able they had smiles on their face.
“I made that mistake twice so it's okay.” Able says.
“What does that mean?” I ask.
“Brook got stronger to. Now our sisters can take us now.” He said.
“That's a scary thought.” Able nods his head
“Yes be lucky you only had it with one of them.”
“Noted. So what's going on?”
“We are going to deal with the glasses for the center pieces today. Me and you.” My sister said.
“Sounds good I’ll get dress.” Walking out of the room I hear the kids scream.
“Able don't make them scream like that dick head.”
“Oh come on you know it's funny.” I smirk and he noticed it.
“While I’m gone don't give my son a heart attack.” I said.
“Can't make that promise.” I shook my head. We pounded our fist as I was walking out the door. Aria wanted to drive so I let her drive it wasn't a far drive either. When we got there Aria was practically skipping to the store. She so excited I love seeing her like this. This wedding has been a long time coming her wedding was suppose to be two months after mine but there was a lot of shit going on with the family. Everything is back on track and I’m going to make sure her weddings is perfect exactly how she wants it. When we walk in the store I swear I never saw so many vases in one store in my life. From the look on my sister's face she hasn't either.
“Max how are we going to pick one vase.”
“Don't panic Aria that's what I’m here for to help you pick. Don't worry we will get the perfect vase for your wedding sis. Don't panic.” She takes a deep breath.
“Thanks Max.” I wrap her in my arms her head on my chest.
“I’m your big brother when have I ever let my sister down.” She smiles.
“Okay this is just another obstacle for your big brother.” I kiss her cheek. We start walking down the ill's looking for a vase.
“How about this one Aria?”
“I like it can we keep looking and come back to it?”
“Of course.” When we was about to turn to the next ill I spotted the perfect vase it has it's own shine to the vase it's perfect.
“Aria how about this one?” She looks at the vase and her face lights up.
“I love it. That's the one Max that's it.” I grab the vase and we start walking towards the owner when I got a message.
Able- How is vase shopping going any luck?
Max- We just found the perfect vase she loves it her face brighten up the whole room when she saw it
Able- That's great. She was hoping you would go with her today she wanted to hang out with just you today. Haven't done that in a while so i told her to ask you.
I smile as I reply.
Max- Thanks. Doing this with her was fun and we should hang out more i'll talk to you later got to deal with the vase.
Able- Talk to you later.
I place my phone back into my pocket.
“How can I help you?” The owner ask.
“My sister wants this vase for her wedding with this picture on the vase. Would you be able to do that?”
“Yes we can. We just need to know when they need to be done and how many you can email me the details if you would like.”
“That would be great.” She hands me a card we went to the car.
“Today was a successful day thank you Max.”
“Stop thanking me you known I will do anything for you.” driving back to the house Aria send an email to the owner of the vase shop tell her everything that she wants. She use my email since I will be dealing with it. It's still my project for the wedding. Walking into the house the kids are running all over the place.
“How about you guys spend the night it's getting late so just stay the night.” I told my sister.
“Okay it will be fun.” After putting the kids to sleep we put on a movie to watch.
Chapter Four Brook
Aria- Are we telling the boys the big news today since we are all going to be together?
Brook- Yes we are I’m really excited about this. I will see you in a little.
Aria- I am to see you in a bit.
“Mark are you dressed yet?”
“No mommy.”
“What are you waiting for get dressed.”
“I’m doing it now.” Grabbing my shoes I feel Max hand on my ass.
“Max this is not the time to play.”
“It's always time to play.”
“Not right now we are going to be late. Mark gets being late from you.”
“He getting dressed.”
“Go help him.”
“Fine I'll go help him.” Max smacks my ass before he leaves the room. It's been five minutes and Mark not ready yet.
“Max why is Mark not ready yet?”
“Got distracted.”
“How about you stop playing around and get him dressed so we can go.”
“Okay okay we are going.”
Able- Are you almost here?
Brook- We haven't left the house yet.
Able- Why not?
Brook- Because Max is not helping. He was just playing with Mark when I ask him to get Mark ready.
Able- Okay I will see you soon sis.
Brook- See you soon.
“Mommy I’m ready.”
“That's good sweetheart.” Getting to the park everyone was already there. Mark runs to Kylie and Mikey. I couldn't find my smile even if I wanted to. Walking up to everyone Aria hugs me first.
“I got the sandwiches.” Says Nate.
“We got the drinks.” Says Able.
“Good we got the snacks.” We set everything up. The kids ran back and forth to get drinks and snack then back to playing. I play with the kids for a while. I chase them all around the playground I love seeing my babies smile like this. The three kids are going to be so close I can feel it in my bones and I couldn't be more happy about that. That's all we want our kids being best friends and being happy. Walking back to the other I’m pretty tired Aria gave me tea.
“Thank you.”
“You're welcome. It look like you need it.”
“I do those kids take a lot out of me.”
“Yes but you're also pregnant remember.” “Yeah I know. Should we tell them now or wait?” Aria ask.
“Tell us what?” They boys say in union.
“I’m guessing now would be a great time to tell them.”
“Tell us what?” They said in union again. “Okay Brook and I have something to tell you guys.”
“Okay what would t
hat be?” Able ask.
“We are pregnant.” Aria and I say in union. The boys look at our stomach than back to our face than stomach again.
“Are you serious?” They ask.
“Yes.” Max grabs me and hugs be tight. Able did the same to Aria. Nate and John gave us a hug.
“Congratulations.” Nate and John says. “Thank you.”
“Okay Nate and I have announcement ourselves to tell you.”
“What is it?”
“We are having a baby to.” They said in union. “Are you serious? We didn't know you guys were thinking about adopting again.”
“Yes we are serious. It all started about a year ago when Mikey ask for a baby sister.” I start laughing.
“What's funny?” Nate ask.
“How all three kids want siblings.”
“That is funny. We didn't want to tell nobody not yet because everything we went through the first time. We all nodded our head it was a head time when they first tried.
“We told him last night. He was so excited we thought we was going to hurt himself. She is almost due that's why we wanted to tell you today. Go figure that you girls are pregnant at the same time.”
“Yes we are a week apart.” I said the boys start to laugh.
“So is he getting a baby sister like he want.” Aria ask.
“One thing we forgot to tell you. But yes he getting two sisters and a brother.”
“hold up you are having triplets?” John and Nate smile.
“Yes we are.”
“That's great so happy for you.” We all said hugging each other again.
“Oh shit.” Able says.
“What is it Able.” I ask.
“We are officially out number with kids now.” We all start laughing. I start counting and he is right.
“Able is right we are out number now that's eight kids.”
“We will be fine we are a team we just got to keep it up.” John says. He right there six of us we just keep up what we been doing raising our kids. The kids came up to us.
“We are hungry.” Able grabs the sandwiches and gave everyone a sandwich. I past out the drinks. I decided to tell Mark the news after he eats his lunch.
“Mark after you eat I want to tell you something.”
“Okay mommy.” He says with a smile I love my son with everything I have in me he’s my world.