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Wedding Woes Page 4

  "Turquoise is a great choice." Aria jump up and down with a smile on her face she wrap her arms around me.

  "Thank you for all your help with this."

  "No problem glad I was able to help." Walking to the living room the kids are out cold. Aria and Kylie left at seven Nate is still not home yet I’m getting a little worried.

  "Daddy where is Dad?"

  "He is busy kiddo he will be back in the morning." I kiss Mikey head then tuck him in. Walking into my bedroom I’m really tired I laid down and close my eyes. Hearing the door open I jump out of the bed.

  “Sorry didn't mean to scare you." I rush over to Nate and wrap my arms around him he tighten his grip around me and god I love this feeling. I feel anger rise up in me because of how worried I've been so I let go than slap him.

  "What was that for?" The confusion evident on his face.

  "Making me worry you fucking dick." The anger subsides a little and I feel bad for slapping him

  "I'm sorry for making you worry but everything is fine better than fine."

  "You guys found him?"

  "We did and he been dealt with.” I released a breath I didn't realise I was holding.

  "Really so we don't need security no more." I smile.

  "No we don't."

  Glad that it's all out of the way I suddenly remember the news I need to share.

  "Thank god. Oh I need to tell you something."

  "Okay what up?"

  "Jade had a doctor appointment and well she not having twins she having triplets." Nate mouth drop open.


  "Yes she was freaking out and understood if we wanted out." I shake my head smiling.

  "You told her we want all three didn't you." He looks alarmed.

  "Yes I did. Two girls and one boy." He visibly relaxes.

  "That's fantastic." Nate grabbed me into a hug than kiss me.

  "That's four kids I think we are good now.” I laugh.

  “Yeah four sounds good to me."

  "Why do you look more relax?" Nate ask.

  "We pick the color today thank the god turquoise." I sigh with relief.

  "I like it."

  "Right. I'm tired let's go to sleep."

  "That sounds like a good plain." We laid in our bed Nate pulls me close to his body I snooze into his chest.

  "Good night baby."

  "Good night." I got a little closer and drift to sleep.

  Chapter Nine Nate

  Going into my bedroom I grab the last few locations getting into the car I look at the locations when I get to the last paper. Are you kidding me why was this at the bottom of the pile this would of save me so much time if it was on top or the damn middle. The park is the perfect place for them to get married. I drive to Aria place and when I walk into the door Mark ran straight to me.

  "Hey kiddo where is aunty Aria at?”

  "In the living room." Walking into the living room Kylie jumps on me.

  "Uncle Nate."

  "Hey sweetie."I place Kylie down she runs off as I sat next to Aria.

  "So I have the perfect locations for the wedding." I smile.

  "Okay where is it?"

  "The park where is all started." Aria squeals as she wraps she up in a hug.

  "That's a great idea thank you for all your hard work." I squeezed her as I hug her back.

  "What is family for." When I released her Aria has a small smile on her face and it bothers the hell out of me.

  "What's wrong?" I ask confused.

  "How do you feel about everything with your dad."

  "I'm glad that he gone. I don't have to worry about my family no more. Was that what you was worried about that I was not happy about it. He put me through hell and he kidnapped my husband so yeah I don't feel bad at all."

  "Okay good to hear." While Aria is playing with the kids I decided to check on John.

  Nate- How are you and Mikey?

  John- Not good Mikey is sick and I can you some help.

  That's not good I type and quick reply.

  Nate- Okay I’m on my way.

  "Aria I have to go Mikey is sick and John needs my help."

  "You go give Mikey a kiss for me."

  "Will do." Getting home I saw John on the couch with his eyes close. Out of nowhere Mikey starts screaming John jumps up and runs up the stairs I run after him. When I got there John was holding Mikey.

  "You both don't look so good." John turns around he looks so damn tired.

  "Since Mikey woke up he been puking he has a fever and he screams in his sleep and wakes up like he is having the worse nightmare my god it's the most scary thing I have ever seen in my life."

  "I heard him scream and well it scared the hell out of me he never scream like that before. How high is his fever?"

  "101. I gave him his medicine and pitting a cold rag on his forehead."

  "That's a high fever you go get some rest I will look after Mikey." John kisses me then leaves the room. I sat on the rocking chair looking after our son I hate seeing him like this there's nothing I can do to help him and that right there is the most annoying thing about being a parent. It's three in the morning and Mikey screams I grab him then start rocking him back and forth. I grab his medicine and gave it to Mikey with a surprise he didn't fight with me to take it like he usually does. I rocked us on the chair until we fall asleep. Feeling hands on me I wake up.

  "Hey baby come with me." John said. Taking his hand he pulled me up to my feet. Walking into our bedroom he help me to the bed and I laid down.

  "You look so tired get some rest I’ll take care of Mikey when he gets up." John kiss my forehead I past out. Feeling arms around me I wake up.

  "Hey sleeping beauty." I sigh

  "Hey gorgeous hows our little man doing.”

  "He getting better he been sleeping all day his fever drop."

  "That's great."

  "Thank you for taking care of him last night I was so tired." I smile up at him.

  "I know you were that's why I said i'll handle him. Thank you for letting me sleep in."

  "Team work." The door opens and Mikey walks in.


  "Hey buddy how are you feeling?" I ask. I grab Mikey and put him on my lap.

  "Better. But I’m tired." Putting Mikey in the middle of us we smile at each other and link our fingers together while Mikey fall back to sleep. We both kiss our son head than laid back down this is the best thing I can think of my husband and my son laying down on the bed with him I wouldn't want anything in the world but this besides our three little monsters that are not here yet but this right here is all that I need my family.

  Part Two

  Chapter One Max

  Walking up I hear Brook throwing up getting up I walk into the bathroom.

  "Hey baby are you okay?" I ask.

  "Yeah I'm fine." She quickly brushes her teeth and walked back into our room.

  "You don't look so good honey." I tell her.

  "I'll be fine just need some rest. I will be just fine nothing for you to worry about." Mark runs into the room and I grab him before he jumps on his mom.

  "Hey kiddo mommy not feeling good today let's go see aunty Aria." Mark jumping up he is excited to go over to see it Aunty.

  "Mommy I hope you feel better soon." He kisses her forehead. I could help but to smile at that.

  "Thank you sweetheart." I kiss Brook than grab Mark so we can leave. Getting to my sister house Mark runs to Kylie and I hear throwing up I walk to the bathroom and it's Aria.

  "Not you to. You are getting sick to." Aria brushes her teeth.

  "Max I’m fine." Aria looks pale.

  "Do you want to take Kylie I'll watch her."

  "No it's fine really. So Brook sick?" I can see the concern look in her eyes.

  "Yeah she was doing the same thing what you was doing a few minutes ago."


  "Yeah. You get some rest I’m going to take the kids to the park for a bit."

; "Okay thank you." Walking into the living room the kids are running around screaming.

  "Okay kids are you ready to go to the park?" The kids run up to me with excitement.

  "Yes let's go." They grab my hands and lead me to the door. Getting to the park the kids let go of my hands and ran to the slides. I sat on the bench than took out my phone.

  Able- Hey bro Aria told me you took the kids where are you? I smile as I reply. Aria probably thought I needed back up.

  Max- I took them to the park. The girls are getting sick so I thought I give the time to rest.

  Able- Okay sounds good I’ll see you soon when you drop off Kylie.

  Max- See you then.

  The kids are running around the park like they are on a damn sugar rush.

  Max- Hey baby how are you feeling?

  I didn't have to wait long for a reply.

  Brook- Better can you pick me up some sprite and crackers on your way home?

  I smile to myself as I reply.

  Max- Of course I will is there anything else you need?

  Brook- No that's all thank you baby.

  Max- You're welcome sweetheart.

  I love watching the kids run around like this together makes me want another kid but Brook and I haven't talk about having one more kid recently maybe I should mention it when she feeling better. I start chasing the kids all around the park. They are almost finish with the park. They are at the swings and I noticed that's were they always stop at when they start getting tired. Putting the kids in the car I haven't even drive for five minutes and they are out.

  Max- Come outside need help.

  Able walks out of his house.

  “Are the kids sleeping?” He asked as he approaches me.

  “Yes they are out.”

  “Thanks for taking the kids out.”

  “No problem. How my sister feeling?”

  “Better I got something's she ask me to get.”

  I love spending time with the kids he really needs to stop thanking me when I take Kylie off there hands for awhile.

  “That's good.” Able grabs Kylie and takes her inside.

  “Are you heading home?” Able ask.

  “I’m going to the store first then home. Brook ask for something's.”

  “Okay go take care of my sister.”

  “Don't I always do.” Able smiles.

  “Yes you do that's why you were the only person I wanted with my sister. You always took good care of her and I knew you wouldn't do her wrong. If you did I would had to kill you.”

  “Likewise my brother likewise.” We both laugh. Getting to the store I grab everything I need slowly so I don't wake Mark up. Mark is like his mother when she doesn't get her sleep. When I get home I put Mark in his bed he didn't wake up not even once that's great I’m getting better at taking him shopping when he sleeping. Walking into our bedroom Brook is in a ball in the middle of the bed.

  “Baby are you okay?” She sits up straight with a smile on her face.

  “Yes I am.”

  “I didn't know how much crackers you wanted so I just grab two boxes.”

  “Thanks baby. Come lay down with me.” I laid down next to my beautiful wife. She puts her head on my chest than falls asleep. The last time I saw her like this she was pregnant with Mark. God I want to get her pregnant again. Seeing her stomach swell with our baby just thinking about it makes me hard. Brook nuzzle closer to me and I fall asleep with her in my arms.


  “Daddy wake.” Mark jumping on the bed.

  “Mark stop jumping on the bed.” He keeps jumping on the bed.

  “Daddy wake up.” I open my eyes and sat up fast and grab Mark. He giggles. I start tickling him and he laughs.

  “Daddy stop it. Pancakes daddy.”

  “Okay Mark pancakes. Where mommy?”

  “She just went to the bathroom.” As I got up I put Mark on the floor and we walked into the kitchen. I start cooking Mark his pancakes when arms went around me.

  “Good morning my wife.”

  “Good morning my husband.” Brook kisses my cheek.

  “How are you feeling today?” I ask.

  “Better thank you for picking up the stuff I ask for.”

  “Of course no problem at all.”

  “So I was thinking we should do something together as a family the three of us.”

  “Sounds good to me. What do you want to do?” I ask.

  “Movies.” Mark said.

  “You want to watch movies buddy?”

  “Yes.” He has a big smile on his face.

  “Okay movie it is than.” As we are eating Mark has something on his mind I’m a little worry.

  “Mark is everything okay?” I ask.

  “I want to talk about something with you and Mommy.” Brook and I look at each other then back to Mark.

  “Okay buddy what's up?”

  “I want a baby sister.” I couldn't help the smile on my face he want a baby sister.

  “You want a baby sister Mark?” Brook ask.

  “Yes I do. I been thinking about it for a while know and I want a baby sister.”

  “Mark you now that's going to take some time.” I told him.

  “Yes but I’m willing to wait a little while.” I look at Brook and she flush.

  “Get ready Mark.” Knowing that he wants a baby sister is great. I’m going to make it my mission to get her pregnant again. He rush up stairs. I walk up to Brook and wrap my arms around her waist.

  “Funny how Mark beat me to it.”

  “What do you mean? You want another baby?”

  “Yes I do.” I pull her closer to me that's when Mark walks in.

  “I’m ready.” I grab Mark than put him in his car seat. When we got to the movies. I grab the popcorn and soda while Brook gets the tickets. We sat in our seats to watch the movie.

  Aria- After your movie come over please.

  Max- Sure is everything okay.

  Aria- Yes everything is fine. I just want to hang out with you, Brook and my little man.

  Max- Alright I will see you after the movie love you sis.

  Aria- I love you to Max.

  After the movie I told them where we are going and Mark is excited like always about going to his Aunt house. When we walk into the house Kylie was running throughout the house. When she spotted us she ran right towards us.

  “Uncle Max Aunty Brook.”

  “Hi princess are you having fun.”

  “Yes I am daddy been giving me piggybacks rides it's so much fun.”

  “I bet it is.”

  “Come on Mark.” Kylie grabs Mark's hand and takes him into the living room. When I sat on the couch Aria jumps on me.

  “You look better.”

  “I feel better thank you. Thank you for taking the kids to the park yesterday I needed the rest.”

  “No problem I got to hang out with the kids. Had a great time with my three little monsters.”

  “That's great to hear. I was thinking next week we all do a whole family outing. What do you think?”

  “I like it sounds great to me.”

  “Awesome everyone is up for it.”

  “Of course we are family comes first you know that.” I been at my sister's place for about five hours and the kids are being cranky I’m pretty sure the kids didn't take their naps. I put in trolls it's the movie that gets the kids to well shut their pie holes. It works every time even if we watch it everyday sometimes multiple times a day but hey it get them quite. We are all tied sitting on the couch about to pass out. I’m not ashamed either give me five minutes and I will be out.

  Chapter Two Brook

  Right when I walk through the front door of my house Mark jumps on me.

  “Hey baby boy what are you doing?”

  “Playing with daddy.” Mark grabs my hand and pulls me to the living room. Max was on the floor with all Mark toys. Mark goes back on the floor with his dad and plays with his toys.

  “Do you boys want a sa

  “Yes.” They say in union. I walk into the kitchen and make the boys there sandwiches. Walking back to my boys I set the plates on the table so they can eat there food.

  Aria- Hey boo so I need to go shopping do you want to come with?

  I smile as I type my reply.

  Brook- Hell yes I do.

  Her reply was instant.

  Aria- Okay i'll be there in a bit.

  Brook- Awesome see you soon.

  “Aria and I are going out for a little while so behave when I’m gone.”

  “We will mommy.”

  “Good.” I hear the door open Aria walks into the living room. Mark jumps on Aria.

  “Hey little man are you giving your dad a hard time?” He shakes his head with an innocent look on his little face.

  “No I’m being good.” Aria picks him up and gave him a big hug.

  “That's good while mommy and I are out you stay good for daddy.”

  “Okay I will.” I kiss my boys than got in the car with Aria. When we got to the mall we went to the first store we saw. Right when we walk in we found some nice clothes. After we did some clothes shopping we went to the food court.

  “I need to tell you something.” Aria said. I looked at her a little shocked.

  “Okay what's up?”

  “You can't tell nobody not yet.” Now she has my full attention.

  “Okay spill it.”

  “I’m pregnant.” No freaking way.

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes.” I Start to laugh.

  “What's so funny?” She ask.

  “I’m pregnant to. But don't tell nobody yet. Want to hear something funny?” I ask.

  “Of course beside this time we are both pregnant this time.”

  “Just the other day Mark told us he wants a baby sister. Now I’m pregnant. And Max wants another kid I just haven't told them yet. Shit I just found out.”

  “That's great to hear. The boys are going to flip. Kylie wants a baby brother. I wonder if Mikey wants a sibling to.”

  “Maybe we should ask when we all get together.”

  “Sounds good to me. This is exciting.”

  “Yes it is. So when are you going to tell Able?”

  “Don't know I was thinking I should tell everyone at the same time.”

  “That's not a bad idea. How about we do it the same day when we are all together.” I ask.