Rain (The Scorpion MC Series Book 4) Read online

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  “One more thing keep an eye on Emma she’s in a bit of trouble, just look out for her and bring her home safely.”


  Hearing a baby cry, I get out of bed and go to his crib, my eyes widen when I didn't see Austin in his crib. I rush out to the the living room and I see Logan with Austin in his arms. I relax my body before I go in panic mode. I gave my brother and Tessa a break last night, since Storm hasn’t been doing so hot lately.

  “How long have you been here?” I ask.

  “Not that long about an hour. He was already up when I got here. So I took him out of the room and put the TV on.”

  “That’s fine.” I sit next to him then kiss Austin’s forehead.

  “You haven’t been sleeping have you?” He turns his head in shock that I noticed.

  “How do you know that?”

  “Storm asked me to look out for you and tell him when I notice the signs of you not sleeping.”

  “Don’t tell him.”

  “Why not? You know he loves you and only wants the best for you.”

  “I love him too. That’s why I don’t want you to tell him he worries too much, and I don’t want him to worry about me.”

  “He’s going to worry about you no matter what Logan. If you love him why did you leave?”

  “To be honest I don’t even know anymore. I just needed to clear my head and figure out what I want or so I’m told.”

  “Yes, I hope you figure that out soon.”

  “You and me both. Where is he anyways?”

  “I gave them the night off.I told them I would watch him so Storm can relax.”

  “What’s wrong with him?” He asks with concern in his voice and I smile.

  “Besides being heartbroken, I think he’s getting sick.” When I said that he frowns I know how much he loves my brother; he just needs to find his way back again.

  “I can take care of Austin until he feels better.”

  “Talk to them about it, they won’t have a problem with Austin being with his Papa.” I tell him and a small smile appears on his face. No matter what’s going on his feelings doshow even if he thinks he’s hiding it. He really isn’t, it’s all over his face how much he misses his family and how much he loves them. The door opens and I hear a cough as Storm walks in.

  “You look sick.” Logan says.

  “I told you.” I said to Logan.

  “I can watch Austin until you get better.”

  “Thanks Logan.”

  “It’s not a big deal Storm. He is part mine isn’t he?” Storm smiles at Logan and I see a small smile back on his face.

  “Yes he is.” I think this is a good start we just have to wait and see what happens next. Logan packs Austin’s stuff in a bag. Storm lays down on the couch and he looks like roadkill. Logan walks over and kisses Storm forehead, I’m kind of surprised that he did that but not completely.

  “Get better soon Stormie.” A bright smile appears on my brother’s face and it was great to see, it’s been a while since I saw that smile. Once Logan leaves I sit on the couch and send a message to Kenzi.

  Rain- Hey baby girl how is everything?

  It’s been three days since Kenzi left for a work thing. I haven’t heard from her in those three days and I'm getting a little worried. I lay my head back on the couch and sigh.

  “What's wrong Rain?” Storm asks as he lifts his head up slowly.

  “I haven't heard from Kenzi in three days since she left for some work thing.” Tessa turns her head like she knows something that I don't.

  “Tessa what's going on?” I ask.

  “I don't know anything.” She says in a soft pitch voice.

  “Your lying tell me what you know.” She sighs as he sits back on the chair.

  “Monday she called in saying she has the flu and that she won't be in for the rest of the week.” I look at her stunned.

  “Kenzi lied to me.”

  “There must be a good reason for it.” I stand up and storm out of the house and slamming the door closed. I can't believe she lied to me. Where the hell is she?I didn't realize how long I had been walking until I found myself outside of the compound. I walk inside and grab myself a beer.

  “Where have you been?” Tessa yells.

  “I went for a walk.”

  “I get that you’re mad but that doesn't give you the right to not answer your phone and making us think that something happened to you jackass.”

  “I'm sorry Tessa, I didn't hear my phone ring.”

  “Rain Montgomery, you had us all worried you stupid jackass.” Erika yells.

  “I'm sorry.” Tessa and Erika hug me tight and I hug them back.

  “Does anyone know where Kenzi is?”

  “No.” All the guys say in unison, Erika looks away from me.

  “She's fine.”

  “Where is she Erika?” I ask trying to not to lose my cool.

  “Just trust me.” I sigh in defeat.

  “Don't you guys notice the girls disappear this time of year for a little while?” Marco asks. I turn my head and look at him.

  “He's right.” Storm says as he coughs.

  “Where do you girls go?”

  “When she gets back talk to her. When she's ready to talk, she will.”

  “What about you?”

  “She won't say a word unless Kenzi is ready.” Devin says. I look at Erika and she walks over to Marco and grabs the beer that was in his hand.

  “Aren't you supposed to be leaving today?” Marco asks.

  “Yes, I was about to go when Tessa called me all freaked out because that dumbass wouldn't pick up his phone.”

  “I said I was sorry.”

  “I know, just don't push it.”

  “Alright I won't.” Erika grabbed a bag from her Devin's old room before she left. I know she's running from something I just want to help her through it in anyway I can. I understand not wanting to talk about her past trust me I get that more than anything. But why lie to me about where you're going that I don't understand. When I get home I went straight to bed I just want to stop thinking, I don't want to think about anything right now. I just want to slip into the darkness.


  Sitting in front of my brother’s grave I hear footsteps behind me, I turn my head and see Erika.

  “Just to let you know Rain knows you lied to him.” Erika says in a soft tone.

  “That's just fucking great.”

  “You should've known lying to him was going to bite you in the ass. Plus I told him that when you’re ready that you will tell him what's going on.”

  “Did you now?”

  “Yeah I did, you're welcome.”

  “Do you think I should tell him?”

  “Yeah I do, even if we don't want to talk about it. I think it's time that we did so we can heal.” Erika sighs as she sits in front of Benjamin and her daughter’s grave.

  “I will talk to you later Erika.”

  “Alright see you when I get back.” She tells me in the softest voice I have ever heard in my life. I get into my car and drove the Devils compound. As I walk in Dalson walks down the stairs, when his feet touches the ground, he walks over to me and wraps his arms around me.

  “How are you doing Kenzi?” Dalson asks as he hugs me tighter.

  “I’m alright one step at a time.”

  “You should tell Rain what’s going on with you.” Dalson kisses the top of my head then lets go of me.

  “I know, I just need some more time. It's hard to talk about it you know? You don't talk about it yourself.”

  “That's very true, but I do talk about him to Paul from time to time. You girls don't talk about it at all and that's not healthy.”

  “I know and I hear you loud and clear, Erika and I are on the same page. I just have to get up the courage to tell them about it not just Rain but all of them especially Devin. He's been helping me through my panic attacks and he has the right to know what is causing them.” Dalson smiles brightly at me and
I can't figure out why.

  “Why are you smiling at me like that?”

  “Because you are finally understanding our dysfunctional MC family, you are no longer just a Devil you’re a Scorpion as well.” Hearing Dalson’s words repeating in my head it puts a smile on my face. I never thought of myself as a part of the Scorpion family before, not until Dalson said I’m no longer just a Devil you’re a Scorpion and that hit home fore me. They are my family and I shouldn’t keep hiding myself from them not anymore.

  “You’re right Dalson, I can’t believe it took me this long to realize that.”

  “It’s okay Kenzi we are all here for you. You should go see your man though he’s very pissed.”

  “Yeah I know Erika told me that he found out that I lied so he has every right to be mad.” Dalson nods his head in agreement.

  “You’re not supposed to agree with me.”

  “Sorry usually I wouldn’t but you are in the wrong. You could have told him half of the truth.” I sigh.

  “I hate when you make good points.”

  “I know.” He says with an annoying grin on his face.

  “I will see you later.” Dalson is a great person to talk to whenever your mind is all over the place. He always knows how to make me feel better no matter what the situation is. Dalson has always been the mother hen of us all, when one of us is in trouble you can bet your ass he will be there in two seconds flat. Dalson is the sweetest but he can also be the scariest one of us all. Some people have learned that the hard way. When you mess with his family, he becomes a whole different person. Sitting in my car I take a deep breath then start the car. When I arrive at the house, I stay in the car for a few minutes before getting out. I slowly open the door, nobody was in the living room. I walk in the house then walk into Rain’s room. He’s still sleeping, I kiss his forehead then lay down next to him and wait for him to wake up. I’m so not ready to get yelled at, but I deserve it though I shouldn’t have lied to him. I should’ve at least told him half of the truth and I wouldn’t be in this spot.

  “You finally came home.” I turn my head and they were not kidding when they said he was pissed.

  “Yeah I’m home and I’m sorry.”

  “For what?” I sigh, I knew this was not going to be easy.

  “For lying to you, I didn’t want to.”

  “Then why do it?”

  “Because I wasn’t ready to talk about my past and I went somewhere that has to do with it.”

  “You could’ve just told me that instead of lying to me I would’ve understood.” He yells.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Are you really?”

  “Of course I am, I didn’t want to lie I just didn’t know what else to tell you.” Rain growls in frustration.

  “I don’t know what to do with you anymore.”

  “What does that mean?” I ask nervously.

  “Exactly how it sounds. I’ve tried everything I could think of to make you happy to let you know that you can trust me and that I will be there for you no matter what, but you don’t tell me anything and you lied to me. What else am I supposed to do?”

  “Rain you can’t get mad at me for not telling you about my past when you don’t even tell me about yours. So if you are going to throw that shit in my face so can I.” I walk out of the room then went straight to the front door and slam the door closed. I get into my car and drive away. I drive to the Devil’s compound. When I storm inside the house Dalson slowly turns his head and sighs when he sees me.

  “Not in the mood Dalson.”

  “Obviously. You guys got into a fight, you knew what you were walking into. So why are you mad?”

  “Because he’s mad because I haven’t told him about my past. He has no right to be mad when he doesn’t tell me about his.”

  “He’s not really mad about that.” I hear Devin’s voice, I look up and he’s walking down the stairs.

  “And how do you know that?” I ask irritated.

  “Because he’s my brother and I know his ticks. The number one thing he hates is rats, number two is liars.” I sigh heavily.

  “And I lied to him.”

  “Exactly plus you ignored his messages. He was worried sick about you, so that doesn’t help the matter.” I sigh as I walk into the living room, I sit on the couch and Devin sits in front of me with a small smile.

  “You both need to cool down then talk to each other.”

  “I don’t know Devin, he sounds like he was done with me.” Devin gave a low chuckle.

  “He’s not.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because he’s in love with you Kenzi.He’s not going to let you go not even over this fight. This fight is just going to make you guys stronger.”

  “Are you sure?” I ask softly and he laughs.

  “Have you met me and Erika?” I burst into laughter.

  “Good point you guys used to fight like crazy, your arguments in high school was my enjoyment.”

  “Thanks Kenzi. I’m glad you enjoyed my misery.”

  “It’s not like that it was cute most of the time.” Dalson chuckles and Devin glares at him.

  “I didn’t do anything.” Dalson says as he puts his hands up.

  “So Devin, why are you here?” His face got serious when I ask and it makes me nervous.

  “To check up on Logan. Besides that I’m worried about him. I promised Storm I would check up on him.” I sigh. I hate that they are not happy. Logan is not thinking straight and it’s making him miserable, Storm is not doing too good, neither is Tessa. I just want them happy but right now Logan has to figure out what he wants.

  “How is Logan?”

  “He says he’s fine but he doesn’t look like he’s fine and I’m worried about them all.”

  “We all are.” Dalson says and I nod my head.

  “We just have to keep an eye on him and try to help in any way we can.”

  “Of course. Are you going to stay here for the night?”

  “Yes I am. I think I will hang out with Logan tonight unless he kicks me out.”

  “I doubt he would do that.” They said in unison and I laugh because they are right Logan will never kick anyone out not even Storm. I hug Devin and Dalson before going up the stairs. Walking in Logan’s room it’s dark besides the light coming from the TV. He pokes his head from under his covers and gives me a small smile not his usually bright smile that could light up the room.

  “What’s going on Kenzi?” He ask concerned. Even though he’s going through his own shit he never hesitates to help a friend in need.

  “Boy problems.”

  “Welcome to the club.” He pats the spot next to him aka Storm’s spot, I lay next to him then cuddle up to him.

  “So what happened?” Logan asks calmly. This can’t be easy for him since the man I’m in love with is Storm’s brother and right now they are not in a good place sadly.

  “We got in a fight.” Logan tilts his head and raises both eyebrows.

  “You knew he was mad when you walked in the house, so why are you so upset for?”

  “Because he is mad at me for not telling him about my past, he can’t get mad when he doesn’t tell me about his past.” Logan sighs.

  “That’s really not the problem, the problem is that you lied to him, and that’s was like gasoline for him and everything else exploded because of it.” I sigh.

  “I see what you boys are getting at.” He smiles at me.

  “You bump into Devin?”

  “Yeah he said pretty much what you’re saying just without the gasoline part.”

  “Yeah I just wanted you to get it. How about you spend the night with me? You both can cool down then talk to him, tell him how you feel and don’t run away from him.” I tilt my head and give him a small smile.

  “Yeah yeah yeah I know I should take my own advice you don’t have to say it. Helping others is easier than helping myself.” I get that one hundred percent, helping others is way easier th
an finding a way for yourself to be happy.