Following My Heart Read online

Page 3

  “I told you I can handle it.” Fuck fuck fuck.

  “I should get back to work.” I slowly move from his arms and walk back to the bar. Jake looks at me.

  “Not one word Jake, not one fucking word.”

  “I wasn’t going to say anything.”

  “Keep it that way.” He grins. Man that was such a fucking horrible idea and I’m so fucking hard right now.


  “Yeah I know now shut up.” Jake laughs. I got back to work trying not to think about what just happened. After work I went straight home and into bed I need to sleep this off.

  Feeling the weight on me I opened my eyes to see Tristan on top of me, I look into his eyes and they were watery like tears were about to fall.

  “Tristan what’s wrong?” I sat up straight and grab his face with both my hands.

  “Do you think my dad is disappointed in me?”

  What the hell is going on?

  “No, why would you even think that?” I ask worried.

  “Dad always said to follow your heart and I haven’t been doing that I have been doing the opposite. He would be so disappointed Nick.” Tears stream down his face and I pulled him closer to me.

  “No he wouldn’t he knows that you are trying your best and that it’s not always easy to go to that place right away. Do you remember your mom and dad’s love story?” He smiles.

  “Of course I do.”

  “How long did it take him to ask your mom out on a date?”

  “Two years.”


  “I don’t know if I can be strong like him.”

  “I think you are Tristan, you are just like him in a lot of ways.”

  “You think so?”

  “I know so, get some sleep and we can talk about this later if you want.”

  “Can I stay with you tonight?”

  “You can always stay with me Tristan.” Tristan leaned in and kissed my cheek.

  “Thank you.” He lays down next to me and places his head on my chest. I wrap my arms around him and kiss the top of his head. Why in God’s name would he ever think that, what the hell happened?

  Fourteen Years Ago

  Laying down on the grass in the backyard Pops walks over than sits next to me.

  “Can we talk?”

  “Is everything okay?” I ask worried.

  “Yes, of course everything is good.”

  “Okay, what do you want to talk about?”

  “Two things. I know you are not a big fan of the MC family.”


  “Let me finish.”


  “You might not be a big fan, but they are your family and they will always be there for you no matter what and they love you even if you don’t yet. Always follow your heart even if you think it’s taking you down the wrong path follow it no matter what. Nick, he will come to his senses eventually.”

  “I don’t know what your talking about on that last part.” Pops smile.

  “Yes you do, Tristan loves you.”

  “I know he’s my best friend.”

  “That’s not what I meant and you know it. He loves you more than either one of you realize trust me on this one day he will come to you be smart and take him when he does.”

  “Pops?” What is even happening right now?

  “Have I ever steered you in the wrong direction?”


  “Okay keep that in mind things will get better for you both.”

  “I hear you Pops.” Why would he tell me all of this now my head is all scrambled.

  Present Day

  Why did that just pop into my head now in all this time why did that memory come to mind now. Tristan is at the clubhouse and I can’t stop thinking of that conversation with Pops. I drove to the cemetery. I sit in front of Pops grave looking at his name Nate Silver this is Tristan father he was like a second father to me.

  “Hey Pops I keep on thinking about that conversation that Tristan will come to his senses do you still think that, should I wait for him I just don’t know anymore I don’t want to get hurt again. What should I do Pops? Give me a sign, anything.” A strong gust of wind goes through me and I close my eyes.

  “Wait a little longer Nick, trust me." I opened my eyes and a tear runs down my face.

  "I hear you Pops, thank you." I wipe away my tears and got up from the ground he's never wrong. I drove to the clubhouse and I smile it took time, but I do love everyone in the MC family. I walked in and the first person I see is Hayden and I sit next to him.

  "It's been a while since you been here."

  "Yeah I know." Tristan sat next to me and I turn to him.

  “What’s wrong? Were you crying?”

  “I’m okay.” Tristan grabs my face.

  “Why were you crying?”

  “It’s really nothing, I visited Pops today I kept on thinking about a conversation we had, so I visited him and I talked to him. Have you ever asked him or them something and they give you a sign.”

  “Yeah I have actually this morning.” I laugh I guess we both had the same idea today.

  “Did he answer your question?” Tristan asked.

  “He did and it made me emotional that’s all, I’m good.”

  “Okay what did you talk about with dad?”

  “That’s between me and him.”

  “Touché.” He says with a smile. I laid back on the couch and they all are staring at me.

  “Why are you all staring at me for?” I ask.

  “Nothing it’s just been awhile since you been here and we are just wondering if everything is okay.” Adam says.

  “Is it a problem that I’m here?”

  “Of course not.” Troy says quickly.

  “Does there have to be a reason for me to be here?” I ask.

  “Of course not.” Hayden says.


  “Nick, what has been running through your head?” Tristan asked.

  “Everything to be honest every conversation that I had with Pops and my father. It’s nice and it also makes me sad. Then I remembered the one thing I used to hate when I was a kid, they were always right.” Tristan laughs.

  “That used to drive me crazy too, but it makes things good now you know what I mean.”

  “Yeah I do.” I smile at Tristan and he smiles back at me.

  “How was work last night?” Hayden asked. My body tensed up for a second.

  “It was fine why do you ask.” I said in a calm tone.

  “No reason just making sure things are good.”

  “Everything was fine two fights broke out but Tristan handled it.”

  “Of course it’s what he’s there for. Did anything else happen?”

  “Did Jake say something to you?” I ask nervously.

  “No should he be?”

  “Nope.” He raised an eyebrow but he didn’t say anything else.

  “Well all of you should get some rest I’m closing up the clubhouse and business besides the club that stays open. We need to be prepared for any problems that Ana might have for the wedding.” Hayden says in a serious tone and I don’t blame him.

  “Yeah I had to deal with a situation this morning. They somehow messed up the flowers and Ana was in complete freak out mode.”

  “This is why we will be ready to solve the problem we need to make sure this wedding goes off without a hitch.”

  “Yes sir.” We said in unison. When we got home I sat on the couch and put on Netflix.

  “Are you putting Friends on?” Tristan asked.

  “Yes I am.” I press play and Tristan places his head on my lap. I look down at him and he looks up at me.

  “Thank you for last night I really needed to hear that.”

  “I always go to you Tristan he told me that too, you know to always follow your heart even when you think your heart is sending you down the wrong path follow it no matter what and I’m going to take that to heart he’s never wrong.” Tr
istan smiles.

  “I didn’t know he told you that?”

  “Yeah it was a day I stayed home from school and I was waiting for you to come home. I miss our conversations there’s times when I wish they were still here so I can just talk to them about what’s going on and what I should do it’s why I went to visit Pops today I wasn’t expecting an answer, but I got one and I’m going to listen to it.”

  “That’s good Nick I’m glad you got what you needed today. I miss those talks too as a kid, you don’t know how important they are until you can’t have them anymore.” I caress his cheek seeing him get emotional all I want to do is make him feel better. Tristan kisses my hand.

  “No more feelings for today let’s put this on so we can laugh.” Tristan says as he presses play. This thing with Tristan, I hope Pops was right because I want this so fucking bad I don’t know what to do with all these damn feelings. A little break will be good even just the rest of today will deal with it after the wedding.

  Chapter Three


  Getting ready for my sister's wedding things have been going according to plan.

  “Fuck.” Shit spoke to soon.

  “Nick what happened?” I ask nervously.

  “I got to go, the bride is having a panic attack keep getting ready to be there on time.”

  “Of course take care of our girl.”

  “Will do.” Nick rushes out the door and I sigh heavily. Everything is going to be okay, nothing is going to go wrong, my sister will get married and be happy then I’ll deal with my problem tomorrow. I got to the place, everything looks perfect, just how she wanted it. People are coming and that’s when I saw Nick walk in with Josh and my eye twitched he bought a date I didn’t even know he was bringing one. I looked away and walked towards my sisters room. She walks out slowly and man does she look beautiful.

  “You look stunning sis.”

  “Thanks. It’s almost time.” She says with a smile she doesn’t look nervous anymore and I couldn’t be happier for her.

  “I’m so happy for you Ana.”

  “Thank you, but why does my little brother have a sour face on?” Fuck I could never hide a thing from her.

  “I don’t.” She looks past me and then she nods.

  “When are you going to tell Nick you love him?”

  “I’m not going to.”

  “Why the fuck not?”

  “He’s with someone.”

  “He’s just a date Tristan and it’s kinda my fault he brought a date. I wanted him to come with you but you two are so fucking stubborn it’s ridiculous. You need to man up Tristan before that date goes somewhere that we don’t want it to.”

  “We will see.” Ana crosses her arms she didn’t like my answer.

  “You will tell him Tristan if not today then tomorrow or I swear I will make your life miserable.”

  “You are such a pain in the ass, worry about your wedding day, it's about time to start, are you ready?”

  “I am.” She gives me a bright smile. The music hits and I walked my sister down the aisle. I sat next to Nick who was sitting next to his date. I wasn’t going to let it bother me not in this moment watching my sister marrying the man she loves is everything. Nick and I look at each other and smile we know the hard work it took to get her here to this moment, this is a very special moment for us all. After the beautiful ceremony the after party begins. Ana danced with me and Nick for a little while. We gave her back to her husband and Nick went back to his date.

  “Are you okay?” Hayden asked.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Sure you are your eyes aren’t twitching every time you see Josh touch Nick.” He says with sarcasm.

  “Not today Hayden please I want to enjoy my sister's wedding day.”

  “Then stop staring at them and do something to keep your mind occupied for the time being.” He has a point I need to get away for just a bit. I dance with my MC brothers for a while it was a good distraction until Nick dances closer to me and now I can’t think straight. I don't know why it bothers me that Nick brought a date with him to my sister's wedding but it does. Watching him dance all over his date pisses me off, but it also makes me hard I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. He's been my best friend since the day he was born he's always been there for me in the last year he had a bad break up and I have been helping piece him back together again. I walked into an empty room and close the door. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, get your shit together Tristan. The door opens and I groan.

  "Nobody is aloud back here." I said with irritation. I just want to be alone plus nobody's supposed to here anyway.

  "So why are you here then Tristan?" Nick asked and I flinched.

  "I didn't think you were going to bring a date." I try to sound calm but I think I failed.

  "I wasn't going to until I found out that Justin was coming."

  "I could've been your date Nick." I try to say without an angry tone.

  "It wouldn't be the same I wanted to show off a hot gay guy to show that I'm over him and I'm happy with out him." And that just pissed me off even more.

  "Than you should get back to him." I said grinding my teeth I haven't turned around to look at him for two reasons I'm still hard and I don't want him to know how much him bringing a date bothers me.

  "Are you mad that I brought a date with me to Ana wedding, she was cool with it?"

  "Why would I be mad Nick?"

  "I don't know Tristan you tell me." I felt him get closer his hands went on my waist and a shiver went down my spine.

  "Why are you mad at me Tristan?" He whispers in my ear and I groaned.

  "I'm not."

  "Oh really it doesn't feel like that on my side you are not even looking at me." He sounds hurt and I hate that I’m the reason for it I never meant to hurt him.

  "Nick just go back to your date I need time to myself."


  "No, what do you mean no?" I ask in a demanding tone.

  "I'm not leaving you, tell me what's bothering you."

  "Nick just go!" I said with a strong tone why is he being so damn stubborn tonight.

  "Is it because your hard as a fucking rock right now?" His hands slide down my pants and he grabs my dick on my pants and I groan.

  "Nick!" I said in a warning tone.

  "Who got you this hard Tristan?" He asks with an amused tone.

  "Don't worry about it."

  "So that's how it is now your just going to shut me out for no fucking reason."

  "Nick I'm sorry just go please." Nick unbuttons my pants.

  "Nick stop it."

  "Just let me take care of you for once." Nick growled and a shiver went down my spine and my body had goosebumps all over. Nick’s hand went inside my pants and he wrapped his hand around my dick and I moan. Nick was moving hand from root to tip I bit my lip trying not to moan out loud. Nick’s finger circles around my head with precum. And I moan deep in my throat.

  "Tristan am I the reason your hard right now?" Nick asked and I groaned.

  "I need to come." I tell him.

  "You will, just answer my question yes or no."


  "It's a simple question Tristan." He stops moving his hand and moves it an inch away from my dick, I missed his touch.

  "Don't stop."

  "Then tell me!" He demanded.

  "Yes Nick you are the reason I'm hard now can you please make me come." Nick kisses and nibbles on my neck as his hand moves faster I moaned loudly and I heard a small moan come from Nick's lips and it was so sexy and deep. I came all over his hand. Nick moves his hand and I missed his touch, I didn’t want him to stop touching me. I have never felt anything so tense like that before I enjoyed it a lot what happens now. Nick kisses my neck then moves away from me. I button up my pants as I took a deep breath in than out.