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Felix (The Scorpion MC Series Book 5) Page 3
Felix (The Scorpion MC Series Book 5) Read online
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“All I was doing was protecting Storm my job as a big brother is to protect him no matter what and I don't regret what I did.”
I bend down in front of Storm and checked his bruises.
“Are you okay Storm?”
“Yeah I’m fine dad Marco was there and helped.” Oh my god he just called me dad for the first time and I feel like I’m going to cry, think a little bitch.
“Alright go get cleaned up.” They walked off and I called back the school.
“I will like to speak with the principal about my kids.”
“Hello Mr. McClane how can I help you.”
“For starts you can suspend those little shits for jumping my son, the fact that you suspended just my boys is bullshit my son shouldn’t be coming home covered with bruises. All Marco did was protect his little brother and those little shits get away with what they did to my Storm I don’t think so, you suspend those boys or you won’t be a principal at this school for much longer or at any school.”
“Mr. McClane you can’t do that.”
“Yes the hell I can if I were you I won’t piss me off more than you already did. Now suspend those boys now and have a good day.” I hung up my phone than checked up on my boys. The door was cracked open a little and I just listen to them.
“Do you think dad is mad with us?” Storm asks.
“No we didn’t do anything wrong.”
“If he grounds you I will take the heat for it since it’s my fault.”
“Storm listen to me. I’m your big brother it’s my job to protect you no matter what and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat, nobody gets to mess with my little brother and gets away with it.”
“Thanks Marco you are a great brother.” I smiled to myself, Storm took a big step forward today and I couldn’t be more happy.
Present Day
Marco is so used to protecting Storm and making things better that it’s hard for him to just sit back and watch Storm go through this and not be able to help him. This is complete torture for him and I hate it my boys just want to help there brother but they can’t not with this one, it’s all up to Logan and Storm they have to figure this out on their own and it sucks completely. It’s not easy for me as a parent all you want to do is protect your children but this is something I can’t help with, It’s going to take time for them to figure out what they want. It’s fight or flake time.
Walking towards my car I saw Brent by my car. How the hell did he find me?
“What are you doing here?” I ask irritated.
“I’m here for you silly.”
“I told you we are not getting back together now go back home.”
“I’ve come here to bring you home and I’m not leaving without you.”
“Yes you are, this is my home and I’m not leaving it again if you like it or not.”
“Don’t be so damn stubborn and what did you do to your hair?”
“Brent this is the real me the person you met that wasn’t the real me now leave me the hell alone.” He grabs my wrist and squeezes it.
“You are coming home with me or else.” I punch him on his nose than got in my car and drove away.
When I got home Logan had Austin in his arms I'm kinda surprise Austin is here right now.
“What's Austin doing here?” I ask curiously.
“He's going to be staying for the night.”
“Oh that's great Logan.” I'm glad he's having some alone time with his son this is really good for him.
“Mom is everything okay?” He ask concerned.
“Yeah sweetie I'm fine just tired is all.” By the look on his face I don't think he believes me but he's not pushing the matter.
“Go get some rest than.” I kiss his cheek then Austin’s forehead before going to my bedroom. As I'm laying down I can't stop thinking about Brent, why can't he just leave me the hell alone I will never leave my home again my family is here and I won't leave them again.
It's been a week and I haven't seen Brent since that first day going walking to my car hopefully he got the hit and went back home. I went to the Scorpion Bar and picked up Melissa and Sam so Devin and Erika can go on a date, have a little alone time. I took them back to the Devils compound with me. I put Netflix on and put a movie on for the kids, I put Trolls on and Melissa starts dancing around the room with a big smile on her face. The kids love this movie it always puts a smile on their faces. James walks in the family room and Melissa goes straight to him.
“Uncle James.” She says in her cute baby voice.
“Hi Melissa are you having fun?”
“Yes, Trolls is on, dance with me.”
“For you I'll do anything for you.” James starts dancing with Melissa laughing throughout the room, I couldn't be more happier than being here with my family and nobody will ever take that away from me again. Sam wakes up crying, James dances over with Sam’s bottle and hands it to me.
“Thank you James.”
“You're welcome mom.” I feed Sam as James sat on the couch with Melissa watching Trolls. As Sam falls asleep Devin walks in with a relaxing smile on his face.
“Daddy.” Melissa runs into Devin's arms and he picks her up and tosses her in the air and she giggles.
“Thank you for watching the kids for us.”
“Not a problem I had a lot of fun and I don't mind watching them whenever you want to go on a date or whatever.”
“Thank you alright Melissa ready to go home?”
“Yes I'm ready.” Melissa hugs me and I kiss her check.
“Goodbye grandma.”
“Bye sweetie.” Devin grab Sam from my arms than left the compound.
“James is everything okay?” He looks a little off something is bothering him.
“You know Logan has always been there for me and protect me from everyone who tried to hurt me. We protect each other but I can't help him right now Logan is hurting and there's nothing that I can do about it, I hate it, all I want is for him to be happy but you know Logan he’s as stubborn as hell and sometimes his stubbornness gets the better of him.”
“I know James this is something we can't help him with we can only offer him advice and wait and see what he does next.” He sighs.
“I know but it still sucks balls.” James says with irritation.
“Don't I know it.”
Walking inside the Scorpion compound it's quiet a little to quiet for my liking.
“Hey Maxie.” I almost jumped out of my skin as I turn around to see Felix.
“Damn it Felix you scared the shit out of me.” My heart is racing and he slowly walks towards me.
“I'm sorry Maxie I didn't mean to scare you.”
“It's okay. Where is everyone it's so quiet.”
“I gave them a day off so they are all having fun.”
“That's good. What are your plans for today?” I ask curiously.
“How about we do something.” I said nervously.
“What would you like to do Maxie?” He asked with a smile. I looked over to the pool table and smiled.
“How about a game of pool?”
“You know how to play pool?
“Yes I do so how about it?”
“I'm in.” He says with a smile. We walked over to the pool table.
“How about we make this interesting.”
“I'm listening what do you have in mind Maxie?”
“The winner gets to pick what the loser has to do.”
“Alright sounds fun.”
“You can go first.” He raised both eyebrows than hit the white ball and the balls scattered around the table. Felix is good and he looks great in those blue jeans he's wearing. He hits the ball and misses he curses under his breath and I smile, I have this in the bag. I hit the ball and two went in the pocket, I glance at Felix than hit another.
“Your good at pool.”
“Yeah I learned
when I was in the evil Devils.”
“How long were you there?” He ask.
“Pretty much my whole life, my dad was apart of the Devils so as a kid I used to go there all the time to be with my dad. When I got older I learnt everything I need to know, how to help my dad whenever he got hurt so I became like a doctors on the side not license doctor but I helped them as much as I could. After my dad died everything turned upside down and that's when my hell began.”
“I'm sorry to hear that Maxie.” I smiled up at him.
“It's okay. I got six kids out of it and I wouldn't change a thing, I would do it all over again.”
“I know what you mean, out of everything I been though I wouldn't change a thing I have five great kids, they are my life and I would do anything for them. My kids are my world they are everything to me they are my strength.”
“I know exactly what you mean.” I hit the last ball in and Felix sighed. I turn around and smiled at him.
“Alright Maxie you won fair and square what is it that you want?”
“A date.” His eyes widen in shock even with that face he's still looks sexy as hell.
“You do know I'm older than you right?” I laugh.
“Yes I'm aware of that.”
“I'm fourteen years older than you Maxie.”
“I don't see what your point is Felix.” I looked at him with a smile on my face and he sighed.
“Alright a date it is then. What would you like to do on this date?”
“You choose, surprise me.” He tilts his head and smiles at me and my heart melts as he smiles brightly at me.
“Alright I will surprise you than are you available Saturday?”
“I'm all yours.”
“You do know this is exactly what our kids want right?” I laugh. The kids have made it very clear that they think I should go for it and this was the best way I could do it.
“Yes I do, they will not settle at all.” Felix laugh, it's deep and sexy.
“No they are not.” When they sat on the couch the door open and Emily runs in and jumps on Felix and myself.
“Emily how many times do I have to tell you not to jump on people.” Storm says loudly.
“I'm sorry Uncle Storm.” Storm is carrying Austin in his arms, he looks like he's doing good for the most part Tessa looks exhausted.
“How was your day?” I ask.
“It was good we went to the park and got some ice cream.” Emily said with a smile.
“That sounds fun.”
“It was.” Emily laid down on the couch and slowly starts falling asleep.
“Alright I will see you Saturday Felix.”
“See you then.” I lean in and kiss his cheek.
“Goodnight Maxie.”
As I walk in the compound Dalson goes into the family room with a blanket in his hands when I walked in Dalson was covering Logan up with the blanket.
“Did he fall asleep?” I ask.
“Yeah he fell asleep watching musicals.”
“Oh boy.”
“That's exactly what I said.” The only time Logan falls asleep watching musicals is when he's depressed. I'm worried about him and now that he's in depression I'm very worried about him, his depression is very unpredictable you never know what you will get with him when he's like that.
“We are going to have to keep an eye on him.” I told Dalson.
“I know I was worried before but now I'm scared his depression is unpredictable.”
“I know that's why we need to watch over him.” Dalson nods his head.
“You go get some rest I'll look out for him.”
“Okay goodnight Dalson.”
“Goodnight mom.” Dalson lays down on the other couch as we watches over Logan. I went into my room and laid down. My poor baby he's going to be going down a rough path and there's nothing that I can do about it.
Driving up the devils compound Maxie was waiting outside for me when I stop the car she gets in before I could get out and open the door for her. Maxie looks beautiful her red hair is straighten she's wearing a nice grey top that makes her boobs look like they could pop out if she moves around into to much. I would be okay with that Maxie looks perfect.
“Hi Felix.”
“Hi Maxie are you ready for our date?”
“Yes I am. Where are we going?” She ask curiously.
“You have to wait and see.” Maxie smiles brightly up at me and whenever she smiles at me I can’t hide a smile from her, she makes me feel good she is the light that shines in my world and I never want to see her shine disappear. I drove up to a piece of land that I own, it’s quiet beautiful. I haven’t decided what I’m going to do with it just yet, but for today it will be like a movie drive though just without the drive through part and a picnic. We got out of the car and walk towards where I set up the picnic and movie screen at.
“Oh my god this is amazing.” I glance at Maxie and her eyes are sparkling.
“You like it?” I ask nervously.
“I love it, it's nice old fashion like and no I'm not calling you old I wish they still had stuff like this.”
“I'm glad you like it, you can pick the movie whatever you want.”
“Whatever I want?” She says with a smirk on her face.
“Yes whatever if you want to watch a romance movie that will be fine it's up to you.” I would watch whatever movie she wants even if it's a movie I don't like just so I can be with her, I'll do anything.
“How about the Goonies?” Maxie laughs most likely for the fact the I'm so surprised my mouth dropped open a little.
“You want to watch the Goonies?”
“Yes it's one of my favorite movies, plus they are like little pirates and I like pirates.” I laugh of course she does.
“What's funny?” She ask with a serious tone.
“Don't get offensive I just think it's funny that the whole damn family loves pirates.”
“Point made.” She says after she giggles. I put the movie on than sat at the picnic that I set up, Maxie sits close to me.
“There's nothing fancy in the basket, I made sandwiches and there's fruits.”
“I think it's perfect plus your sandwiches are delicious.” I turn my head to hide my smile, I open the basket then handed Maxie a sandwich than grab myself one. After Maxie eat her sandwich she lays down and places her head on my lap. I ran my fingers through her hair as we watch the Goonies. Once the movie was over Maxie turns her body towards me.
“This was fun we could do it again sometime.” Maxie says with a bright smile.
“Really?” I tired to not sound surprise but I failed.
“Yes really. I had a great time today this picnic was great.”
“I had a good time as well. Maybe I'll take you somewhere else on our next date.”
“Our next date?” Did I speak to soon on that.
“Sound great I'm looking forwards to it.” As I'm I. I can't keep myself away from her not away more. Maxie got up just enough for her face to be close to mine. Fuck it. I leant down and kiss her, one of her hands went to the back of my neck. I deepen the kiss. Maxie breaks the kiss and smiles after she bites her bottom lip. In that moment I knew I was completely fucked there's no way in hell I’m going to let her slip through my fingers not going to make the same mistake twice.
“Is there anything else you want to do?” I asked her.
“We can stop by the ice cream shop.”
“Sounds good to me.” I folded the blanket then grab the basket before heading towards the car. Maxie grabs my hand and I intertwined our fingers.
It doesn’t take us long to get to the ice cream shop, I got chocolate and Maxie got both chocolate and vanilla ice cream. We sat at a table, I looked up at her and somehow she looks more beautiful than when I met her, maybe it has something to do with how the sunlight is hitting her pale skin I don't know but what I do know is Maxie is mine and I'm not going to let nobody have
“How's Logan doing?” I asked concerned.
“He acts like he's okay but really he's not, I'm worried that he's getting depressed the signs are there. Dalson and I are keeping an eye on him.” Shit.