Wedding Woes (The Secret Series Book 4) Page 8
“What's wrong?” I ask with concerned.
“Let's try this again what's wrong?”
“Are you okay with this?” She ask while twirling her hair with her finger.
“What having twins?”
“I’m excited about this. Don't worry now let's tell Kylie the good news.” When we walked in Kylie ran up to us.
“Well am I having a brother please say I’m having a brother.” Aria grabbed her hand and took her to the living room.
“Mommy don't say it's a girl.” Kylie sounds panic.
“Aria stop making her panic. You are having two brothers.” Kylie screamed.
“Did you say two brothers?”
“Yes sweetie.” Kylie jumping up and down with excitement.” John and Nate walked in.
“What's going on.” Nate ask.
“I’m having twin boys.”
“Are you kidding me?” They both yelled.
“Nope twin boys.” I tell them with a smile
“That's amazing. Congratulations you guys.” We are all hugging each other. Kylie pulled on my shirt.
“Yes princess?”
“I want to pick the names now.”
“Okay what are the names?”
“Ian and Philip.” You gotta be kidding me. Aria and John are looking at each other with a smirk on there faces. I didn't see this coming but I like the names and my little girl wants those names what my little girl wants she gets.
“I like those names princess.” And it's the truth I really do like the names. Kylie has a beautiful smile on her face that brightens up the room.
“Mommy what do you think?”
“I love the names.” Kylie jumps up and down. She walks over to Aria and puts her hands on her mom's stomach.
“Hi Ian and Philip I’m your big sister Kylie you boys are in good hands I can't wait to meet you.” She kisses her stomach. I love these moments they are so cute. I love when she talks to her brothers. I put on Trolls for the kids to watch. When the first song came on and they start to dance on the couch. They always have the most fun when they are together. When they get older they are going to such trouble makers. It's exciting and nerve racking watching them grow up. But I wouldn't change it for the world. Watching these kids grow up is one of the highlights of my day.
Chapter Three Aria
Putting on my dress I’m getting ready for my bachelorette party we are doing it earlier than usual but that's perfect for us especially since two are pregnant. Able walks in with a smirk on his face.
“Take it easy tonight no drinking one glass of wine that's it.” Rolling my eyes I look up at him and smiled.
“Yes Sir.” I said with a smirk. He shook his head. The door open and close I rush down the stairs to see Brook waiting for me.
“Ready to get this party started?” Brook ask.
“Hell yes.” When I got into the limo My mom and Able mom was inside already we all hugged.
“Are you ready for this?” My mom ask.
“Hell yes I am.” When we got to the club we are dancing. We are only a hour into my bachelorette party and it's amazing. Brook grab my hand and sat me on a chair. That's when the strippers came out. Now that was a surprise.
“This was not my idea.” Brook said with her hands in the air.
“Who was is?” I ask curiously.
“My mom.” She said. I was pretty shocked but it's okay. The gorgeous man start dancing on me and it's great I put my hands on his chest and it felt amazing.
“I can't remember the last time a guy danced for me that's not John.” I said and I couldn't help but to giggle.
“It was at my bachelorette party.” Brook said and that was a long time ago about three years.
“That long ago?”
“Yes three years ago than a year before mine.”
“Good times.” That's when John joined us for only a hour. He was enjoying the strippers as much as I am. We are back on the dance.
“Thanks for coming John even if it's only for an hour.”
“I wouldn't miss it for the world.” I hug him tight. We are grinding all over each other.
“I got to go sweet cheeks. I stayed an hour longer.”
“Thanks for being here.” I hugged him tight not wanting him to leave.
“I always will be here no matter what.”
“I know I hot stuff.” I kiss his cheek before he left. Our moms are pretty drunk right now and it's great seeing them both so relax and letting go.
“Isn't a little weird to see our mom's dancing all over guys?” Brook ask.
“Yes but it's also nice to see them let go and have fun.”
“That is true. If the boys were here they would have a heart attack.” We both start laughing thinking about our brother seeing this would be funny as hell.
“After they had there heart attack they would try to kick the guys ass then send them both home.” I said. Brook starts laughing I couldn't help myself and I start laughing.
“I need to stop before I pee on myself.” Brook said.
“Same here.” It's about one in the morning. We got our mom's in the limo and took them home first. We walked in the house with our mom's. We had our arm around them. When we step in the house our dad's took them out of our hands.
“Did you girls have fun?” My dad ask.
“Yes we did.”
“That's good. You should get home now.” When we got to place the boys were already there. We are giggling and the guys are on the couch drinking.
“Did you girls have fun?” Nate ask.
“Yes we did. Mom got so damn drunk.” I said.
“Who mom?” Able ask.
“Both they got hammered. They are fine we took them home ourselves.” We sat on the couch with our feet up.
“I’m tired.” Brook said.
“Me to.” The boys got us to bed once my body hit the bed I was out for the night.
In the kitchen there was breakfast getting made and by the smell of the food it was John. Walking into the kitchen I saw John and Nate.
“How did I get so lucky having two sexy guys in my kitchen?” They both smile at me.
“Hungry?” John ask as he put my plate in front of me.
“You don't even need to ask.” I laugh. After Breakfast I hear the kids. Uncle Samuel watched all the kids for us yesterday.
“Hey sweetheart how was your night?” Samuel ask.
“It was fun. Did you have fun with the kids?”
“I did I need to do it more often though. I had a blast.” Couldn't hide my smile even if I wanted to.
“I’m glad you had fun with the kids. Oh I’m having twin boys.” I haven't seen Samuel in awhile so he didn't know yet.
“Are you serious?” He ask with a smile.
“Yes I am Kylie was so excited.” Samuel smile he knows how Kylie been asking for a baby brother.
“I bet she was. What names did she pick?” He ask.
“Ian and Philip.”
“I like those names. She did a good job.”
“Yes she did.” The kids sat on the couch playing with the guys.
“Everything for the wedding is set I checked up on the flowers and it's all good now you just need to relax.” Samuel said. I hugged him tight.
“Thank you.”
“It's nothing. I’ll do anything for you sweetheart.”
“I know.”
“I have to go but I will talk to you later.”
“Okay.” He kiss my forehead than left. When I got to the living room I picked up Mickey and place his hand on my stomach.
“Do you feel him Mickey? When you get older he going to be all yours.” I whisper. Able looks at me with an eyebrow raised.
“Don't tell me your doing what I think you're doing.” I just got busted but it's okay he approves of this and he knows it.
“What I’m not doing anything I’m just holdin
g Mickey.” Able shook his head he knows me to damn well. I giggle. Laying down in bed I feel the bed dip a little.
“Kylie what's wrong?”
“I had a bad dream.” Kylie said.
“Come here baby girl.” I wrap Kylie in my arms and I start to rock her until we both start falling asleep. I felt another dip and I woke up. Kylie is still in my arms so I relax.
“Why is Kylie in our bed?” Able ask.
“She had a bad dream.” Able kiss her head than kiss me. I start falling back to sleep with our daughter in my arms.
Chapter Four Able
bachelorette party
After the girls left we went to a different club than they did because well we will be peeking at there party making sure no guy touches them. Getting into the club we all took a shot we all agreed to not get drunk since the girls can't drink. We are all on the dance for dancing with each other and other women in a respectable way. An hour into our party John has to leave to go to Aria for a little. I look at Nate he looks worried.
“Worried he going to to have more fun over there?” I ask.
“He with Aria of course he will be having fun. Probably too much.” Nate says with a sad face.
“Stop John loves you he wouldn't do anything to hurt you.”
“I know he won't.” It's been two hours since he left and he should have been here by now.
Able- It's time to come back.
John- I’m on my way.
John walks up to Nate and wrap his arms around him. He knows Nate to well and Know what he was thinking.
“Did you have fun?” I ask.
“Yes I did.”
“What are they doing?” Nate and I ask in union.
“Sorry guys no comment.” I laugh I knew he wouldn't tell us anything. I got a quick lap dance I’m not into it as I use to Aria destroyed all women for me years ago. We decided to take the party to my place. When we got there the girls wasn't I didn't expect them to either. We play around of poker until the girls came home.
Aria- After I dealt with the cake I might do some shopping I will let you know when I'm almost home.
Able- Okay be safe baby.
Aria- I will.
Sitting next to my sister I put my arm around her.
“How did the doctor appointment go?” I ask.
“It's went great I’m having a girl.”
“That's great no kids are having a heart attack because they didn't get what they want.” Brook giggled.
“Thank god for that. I’m really happy we are having a girl. Now we have both.”
“I know what you mean.” I rubbed her stomach.
“Uncle Able gots your back no matter what.” I said. She smiles at me.
“I feel bad for these girls.” She said.
“Why that?”
“Have you met the fathers. Plus they have brothers who I swear to god are going to be like their dad's.” I couldn't help but to smirk at her comments.
“You make it sounds like a bad thing.”
“No it's not but you guys are all possessive.”
“I still don't see the problem.” I tell her.
“Wait to they get older.”
“I rather not. I want them to stay just like there are.” I said.
“You and me both.” We laugh. Playing with Kylie I have a bad feeling something is going to happen. I just don't know what it is.
“Daddy are you okay?” Kylie ask.
“Yes princess I’m good.” I picked her up and toss her in the and. Her giggle makes everything better. I took my phone out and send a quick message.
Able- Is everything okay?
Aria- Yes I will be home in ten minutes maybe twentie.
Able- Okay see you soon.
Playing with Kylie I lost track of time it's been an hours since I message Aria something is off something is wrong. I grab my phone and called her no answer. Fuck no.
Able- Come to my place ASAP.
Samuel- What's going on?
It wasn't even ten minutes when Samuel barges in the house.
“What's wrong Able?” He ask concerned.
“Something is wrong Aria is not home and she said she was on her way home an hour ago.” I start pacing the room. Samuel took out the tracing device.
“What the fuck?” Samuel yells.
“What is it?” I ask.
“The signal is bouncing from a couple of places between here and Florida. It's a good thing you told me. I’m going to take care of this. I need you to stay calm take care of Kylie and the other kids. I know it's not easy but I need you to trust me we all need to stay calm.” I take a deep breath I know he is right I can't panic not when Kylie needs me stay calm.
“Okay I understand and I do trust you.” After Samuel left I called the others and told them everything and how we need stay calm. They all came over we decided that it would be best if we are all together. We put the kids in the playroom. When I walk into the kitchen Max was pacing. I grabbed Max and pull him into my arms.
“She has to be okay she just has to.” I feel his tear run down his face onto my shirt. I have never seen him break like this before and it's heartbreaking. Aria is his life he been there for her since day one. I don't know what I would do if it was my sister. She my wife soon to be wife but it's a whole different feeling when it's your sister I remember when my sister got into bad car accident and it was horrible worse feeling in the damn world.
“She going to be just fine Samuel will find her.” He wiped away his tears with force.
“You are right he will find her. I don't even feel bad for the bastard he took the wrong girl.” Max said and he is right on that. The next day Nate looked worried.
“What's up? Where John?” I ask.
“I don't know he left a note saying he has to do something and not to worry.” Nate says and that just doesn't sound good at all.
“Too late for that.” I said while running my hands through my hair.
“Yeah I know.” What the hell is he thinking? He knows we need to stay together something is so fucking off about this whole thing. Where the fuck is Aria please behave yourself don't say anything that will make them made. She is so damn stubborn and thick headed she probably already piss them off. Please be okay let our babies be okay. I don't know what I would do if I would've lost any of them.
Chapter Five Aria
I’m ready to go home everything for the wedding is done know I can finally relax. Walking home I have a bad feeling like someone is following me. I look behind me but there was nobody there. Two blocks away from my house and I get that weird feeling again but before I can turn around there was something place over my face and everything goes black. Waking up I’m tied to a chair. What the fuck?
“You are awake.” I know that voice no it can't be. He walked in front of me with a evil smile.
“Hi sunshine.”
“What the hell are you doing? Have you lost your damn mind?” He moves his head from side to side thinking of an answer.
“Maybe. But hey you ruined my life.”
“How the fuck did I do that?” I ask.
“Really you're going to play stupid. You are the reason why John left me.” Yeah he definitely lost his damn mind.
“No you are the fucking reason why he left. You abused him told him how to run his life. He left your sorry ass he can't be controlled and he moved on to someone better.” David smacks me.
“Watch your mouth Aria.” He looked at my stomach and my stomach turned.
“Don't hurt my babies.” I said in panic.
“I’m not that much of a bastard to do that. Don't test my patients.”
“What do you want from me?”
“Don't worry about it. You will find out soon enough.”
“I’m bait aren't I?” I ask.
“John right you are smart.”
“You son of a bitch leave him alone. He has a family he d
oesn't want you. He won't forgive you for this.”
“I know he won't but to make sure you are safe he will come. He always comes when it comes to you. And I don't know why he likes men not women.”
“You piece of shit.” I spit on him. He lifted up my dress a little and cut my thigh. I didn't scream I won't give him the satisfaction. But damn that shit hurt. This is what John had to deal with on a daily bases. It makes sense why he still sometimes freaks out when someone he doesn't know touches him there he has come a long way. He cut both my thighs a few times in this first hour. How the hell am I getting out of here. John can not leave with this guy I won't let him. He been through a enough he deserves to be happy with his husband and kids. He don't need to go back to the worst part of his life I won't let it happen again. Uncle Samuel will find me I just hope he does before John gets here. I know he will be coming by himself I know that kid way to well.
“I won't let you have him do you understand me you crazy bastard.” He grabs the knife and points it at my stomach.
“Don't you fucking dare.” I yelled He cut my stomach.
“Stop please stop.” I scream.
“Shut up than you are getting on my damn nerves.” I looked at my stomach the tears run down my face.
“I hope you know you won't be leaving here a life.”
“Are you threatening me?” He ask.
“No it's a promise.” He grabbed the knife again.
“Stop please stop.” I scream. With tears running down my face John barged into the room.
“Get the fuck away from her now.” John says
“You finally made it.”
“I’m not going to tell you again get away from her.” John says. I never heard him so piss before.
“What are you going to do with that?” David ask. I can't see what John is doing.
“You will find out soon.” John says. David grabs a gun. No oh my god no.
“Don't do this.” I pleaded with David.
“You need to be quiet or you will be the first.
“John you never should of came here.” I yelled at him.
“You know I couldn't do that plus this is my fault.”
“No it's not so don't say that he just a crazy bastard.” I told John.
“Didn't I tell you to keep your mouth shut.” David point the gun at me and I don't know what to do.