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Following My Heart Page 2

  “See you later Ana.” He hangs up the phone and places it on the table.

  “Crisis averted?”

  “All good to go.”

  “Good thanks for helping her out.”

  “She’s not just your sister she’s practically mine as well she did pretty much raised me from sixteen and on dealing with a big trouble maker.”

  “Yeah you’re not the only trouble maker she had to deal with but I am grateful to her. Making sure we didn’t end up in the system, helping us through their deaths while dealing with it herself she’s a fucking rockstar.”

  “Yeah she is and she’s getting married in a few weeks I'll make sure that the wedding goes well it’s the least I can do.”

  “You know she loves you and that she would do it all again. You are family Nick and there’s nothing we wouldn’t do for you.”

  “I know it’s what I love about you and Ana.” He leans in and kisses my forehead I hold my breath until he got off the bed. Why couldn’t he just kiss me again. Today is not the day for me to be in my head.

  “I’m going to get dressed.”

  “Okay close my door on your way out so I can change.” He nods his head as he yawns. The door closes and I press the palm of my hand to my cock and I groan. I grab a pair of dark blue jeans and a black T-shirt from the closet. After I got dressed I walk out to the living room and I stopped when I saw Nick, damn his ass looks good in those jeans. I shake my head. Nope not today Tristan not today.

  “Nick you okay?”

  “Yeah are you ready?”

  “I am.” I grab the car keys Nick locked the door behind him then got in my car I drove us to the flower shop first and we both got flowers for our parents grave. I drove us to the cemetery, when we got there, that's when my emotions start to kick in. We didn’t just lose two parents we lost four that day they raised us together.

  Eight Years Ago

  The principal walks in the classroom with a serious face on I wonder what's going on?

  “I need Tristan and Nick, boys bring your stuff with you.” We look at each other as we grab our backpacks. When we got to the office there was a police officer and my sister there.

  “Ana what's going on?” Nick and I say in unison. She walks over with tears in her eyes.

  “There’s been an accident.” We look at each other and I shook my head.

  “Where are they?” I demanded.

  “I’m sorry boys they didn’t make it none of them did.”

  “No, Ana please don’t say that tell me they're okay?” Nick’s voice broke. Ana shakes her head and the tears start to fall, Nick drops to his knees and cries. Ana grabs us both in her arms and tries to soothe us. After a few minutes, they took us to see our parents, when I saw them I broke down I was hoping this was all just a big mistake.

  “This can’t be real.” Nick mumbles. I grab his shoulder and he cried into my chest.

  “They are under age we have to take them.”

  “I’m taking my brothers home I’m old enough to take care of them.” We heard them talking about Nick and I going into the system.

  “I’m not going.” Nick yelled as he runs off.

  “Wait Nick.” My sister yells.

  “I will go after him. Ana please fix this we can’t lose you too.” I say trying to hold my tears back.

  “I’m not going anywhere I promise.” I ran after Nick he doesn’t stop until he got to the park and fell to the floor. I wrap my arms around him this can’t be happening they can’t just take us away from each other when we need each other the most.

  “Ana is going to fix this she won’t let us go into the system Nick, she just won’t.”

  “I can’t lose the both of you too, I won’t be able to live if I lose you and Ana.” Nick says as he hugs me tighter.

  “You won’t lose us.” We held on to each other for hours before heading back home.

  Present Day

  We walk to our parents grave that’re right next to each other and we place the flowers next to their stones.

  “Hey mom and dad, it's been a while but we are back. Ana’s wedding is in a couple of weeks you would like the guy dad he treats her like she’s the only girl in the world.” Nick smiles up at me.

  “He even deals with us with no problem at all.” Nick says with a soft smile. “We didn’t make it easy for the guy in the beginning.” Nick kisses his hand than places on each of their stones and I did the same. I look into Nick’s eyes and it looks like he’s about to cry.

  “Damn do I miss them.” He says wiping away his tears. I move closer to him and wipe away a tear that is streaming down his face.

  “I know, I do too.” I kiss the corner of his mouth and that was such a bad idea, now I want to kiss his lips and every inch of his body. No this is not the time for this crap.

  “They would be proud of the man you became Nick. Especially our dad’s you weren’t so happy about the MC when you were younger and now you help us you are practically a Mayhem Knight yourself, we can make that happen officially you know. Hayden’s been wanting you to join for years now.” He smiles brightly I think he needed to hear that our dad’s are proud of him.

  “Would you like that?” He asks.

  “I would love if you would join, it’s in your blood Nick.”

  “Maybe I will.” My eyes popped open in shock I have been trying to get him to officially join for years now.

  “Let’s go home and this conversation is not over.” I tell him.

  “Didn’t think it was. Oh Hayden messaged me telling us that we can take the day off.”

  “Cool to be honest I don’t really want to do anything today.” I tell him.

  “Let’s go home and watch TV.”

  “Sounds good to me.” I drove us home and Nick slumps onto the couch.

  “What do you want to watch Nick?”

  “Umm how about Friends?”

  “Sure I can deal with that.” Nick laughs.

  “Don’t try to act all tough it’s just me here you know you like watching Friends with me.”

  “That stays between us Nick, I will deny it if the guys find out.” Nick burst into laughter.

  “Don’t worry love your secret is safe with me.”

  “Good.” I sat next to him than I place my head on his lap as he puts on Friends. Nick runs his fingers through my hair and I close my eyes and sigh, his fingers feel so good. We stayed like this for a few hours watching Friends.

  “Tristan you should go to bed your falling asleep.”

  “I’m comfortable.” Nick lifts up my hand then stands up he grabbed my hands and pulled me to my feet. I look up and our eyes meet, Nick leans in then backs away and I groan.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing just tired.” I hate lying to him but it’s not a complete lie I am tired in a lot of ways I wish he would just kiss me.

  “Let’s go to bed then.” Nick says as he helps me to my bed. He lays me down then covers me up. Nick turns around to lean and I grab his hand.

  “Stay.” Nick sighs.

  “Tristan why do you want me to sleep in your bed?”

  “Because I like your company and I sleep better when you are with me.” Nick slides next to me he’s never been able to say no to me and I love it.

  “I sleep better when I’m with you too. Now get some sleep tomorrow is going to be a busy day.” I roll over and got closer to Nick feeling his body heat my body relaxes and I drift to sleep.

  Chapter Two


  As I start to wake up, I see my phone flashing I grab it then rub my eyes before reading the message.

  Ana- I need you to come over ASAP.

  Nick- I’ll be there soon.

  Ana- Thank you. Get here quickly.

  Nick- On it.

  I moved Tristan’s arm from my stomach slowly trying not to wake him up, but that was a complete fail he moves even closer and tightens his grip around my waist and I sighed.

  “I have to go.”

nbsp; “Why?” He asked with a sad tone in his voice.

  “Ana needs me.”

  “For what?”

  “Don’t know she just said come over ASAP.” He sighs as he lets me go. I hate that I don’t want to leave his bed I hate that I want to kiss him every time he comes near me.

  “I will see you later.”

  “Yeah you are going to start working at the club today, right?”

  “Yes, I will see you there.” I walk out of his room than walk into mine grabbing clothes to wear for the day. Blue jeans and a black T-shirt. I ran my fingers through my hair and I’m good to go. I grab my car keys then drove to Ana’s place. When I walk in the house Ana was yelling on the phone. She looks stressed and angry.

  “How the hell do you mess up the flowers they are lilies how do you fuck up lilies?” Oh boy. I grabbed the phone from her hand to fix the problem.

  “I don’t care how you do it but you are going to get those lilies to that wedding and she’s not going to pay for it either since you morons don’t know how to get the order right. Get it done.”

  “Yes sir.”

  “Thank you for coming and handling that. I have been dealing with that for an hour. Everything else is ready and set to go. Besides one thing.”

  “What is that?”

  “Your date.” He we go again.

  “I don’t need a date Ana.”

  “Come on Nick why do you keep on fighting it. Tristan loves you and you love him.” Ana says with her eyes narrowed.

  “He’s straight Ana I’m not going through that again.” Ana throws her hand in the air frustrated.

  “Tristan isn’t Justin he wouldn’t do anything to hurt you and you know that. You kissed him remember?”

  “Yes, I remember and we decided we wouldn’t talk about it.” I tell her.

  “No, you decided that, you do know Tristan remembers that night right. He will never forget that night you both need to stop being so damn stubborn before I go crazy.”

  “What are you trying to do Ana ruin our friendship?” I ask defensively.

  “Of course not, I’m trying to make it stronger than ever. You’ve been in love with him for years and he loves you just as much and the both of you are fighting it like dumbasses. You both deserve to be happy. You want to know what I’m trying to do I’m trying to help my little brother and our best friend who like my other brother be happy. You both deserve it and neither one of you will if you keep on hiding your feelings for each other.” I sigh heavily as I slump onto the couch.

  “He can be your date to my wedding.”

  “I can’t do that.” She groans loudly.

  “Fine, bring your own date just make sure it’s someone you know and not some hoe. Oh and you should know Justin will be there.”

  “Wait what?”

  “Yeah I know. That’s why I thought a date would be good for you.”

  “You are going to let me bring a date that’s not your brother?”

  “Yes I am.” She’s up to something.

  “What are you up to?” I ask.

  “I don’t know what you mean.” She says with a wicked grin on her face. Yeah she has something up her sleeve. Whatever she’s up to I know I’m not going to win it, we never do she always wins. Ever since the night I kissed Tristan when I was completely wasted there’s been a lot of close calls, but yesterday when he kissed the corner of my mouth I almost lost complete control I almost kissed him full on and I can’t do that. I will not lose my best friend over this, I just can’t it’s always been Tristan, me and Ana and I can’t lose that even if I have to be unhappy to keep him.

  “I have been curious about the morning I called Tristan and I had cold feet.”

  “What about it?”

  “You were close by did you sleep in his room?” Damn this woman.

  “I’m right aren’t I?”

  “Yes Ana I did.”

  “How about last night?” She asked with a big grin on her face. This woman doesn’t know when to stop.


  “Hello.” She waves her hands in my face.

  “Nothing happened.” I tell her.

  “It can if you let it.”

  “You are such a pain in the ass.”

  “I know, I do it with love. Stop fighting it Nick let yourself be happy, truly happy.”

  “I hear you, now will you stop bothering me.”

  “Never.” I laugh. Yeah that will never happen she’s the biggest pain in the ass, but I love her.

  “I’ll talk to you later, I’m going to take the car home then go for a walk.”

  “To clear your head?”


  “Good Luck.” I drove the car back home then started walking. Walking always helps me to clear my head. I don’t know what to do. I will always love Tristan that will never change, but telling him that and being with him I just can’t do that, even if Ana is right. As I was walking, I bumped into an old friend Josh.

  “Hey Nick how are you?” He asks.

  “I’m good, how are you Josh?”

  “Pretty good. Isn’t Ana’s wedding coming up?”

  “Yes it is a week from today.”

  “Sounds fun.”

  “Yeah I’m happy for her. Can you do me a favor.”

  “What is it?” He asks.

  “Would you be my date for her wedding?”

  “Sure sounds like it will be fun.”


  “Should I pick you up?”

  “No I will be there early to make sure everything is all good and the bride is ready, I will meet you there.”

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “Thanks Josh.”

  “Not a problem. I will see you there I have to get to work.”

  “Alright see you next week.” There problem solved. I started walking again not knowing where I will end up. When I stop walking I was at the pond by the park, one of my favorite spots to go to clear my mind. I stayed there for an hour before heading home to get ready for work. Walking into the club the music was loud, bodies everywhere. It’s a great way to keep me distracted. I go behind the bar and start serving drinks.

  Working for two hours and I have been hit on four times. Two by females and two by men that’s nothing new really. What is very new is when a guy comes up to me Tristan looks like his head is about to explode, I don’t know what’s bothering him. A fight breaks out on the dance floor and Tristan broke it up and kicked them out. Tristan comes behind the bar and places his hands on my waist again and I took a sharp breath in, I swear he’s trying to kill me tonight.

  “That was the second fight I had to break up.”


  “Yeah, I did understand the last one though.”

  “You did?”

  “Yeah the guy grabbed his boyfriends ass I would’ve done the same thing.” I gasp. No Nick don’t go there, what he meant was if a guy would’ve touched his girl he would. These soft touches need to stop before I lose it completely.

  “Why don’t you take a break and come dance with me?” Fuck me he knows I love to dance.

  “That’s not a good idea.”

  “Why not?” He asked as his hand grips tighter around my waist.

  “We are working.”

  “Nick what’s the name of the club?”

  “Mayham NightClub.”

  “Exactly it’s our club we can do whatever we want.” I sigh.

  “Come dance with me.”

  “I don’t think you can handle all of me.” I teased.

  “I bet I can.” He whispers in my ear. Fuck me.

  “Jake.” I called out for the other bartender.

  “I got this.” He says and Tristan pushes me to the dance floor. Once the music goes through my body I let loose I didn’t care about the consequences I just felt and stayed in this moment and I didn’t hold back. I sway my hips to our beat, Tristan’s hand grips my waist tighter as he pulls me closer to his body and I can feel his muscles an
d his cock is poking my back and I just don’t care. I sway my ass even more I go to the floor than back up and I swear I heard him groan. I felt his lips on my neck and I moan. I turn around and his eyes are dilated. My hips sway to his rhythm I move closer our foreheads touching. Fuck I have to stop.