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Rain (The Scorpion MC Series Book 4) Page 2

  “I don’t think he will not this time.” I don’t like seeing my brother like this it sucks.

  “You have to fight for him Storm just like you did with Tessa, you have to understand where he’s coming from.”

  “And what’s that because I have no fucking clue.”

  “You and Tessa was always a couple and he knew that he wasn’t supposed to be a part of it. And now that you have a baby he thinks he’s in the way and that he doesn’t belong in your family.”

  “But he does belong in it.” He says angrily.

  “I know that but you have to show that to him. Prove that to him that he belongs in this family. Fight for him don’t let him go, stupid.” He laughs softly.

  “Alright I will, thanks Rain.”

  “What are brothers for? Storm it’s not going to be easy, just don’t give up on him.”

  “If I’m being honest I don’t think I can even if I wanted to.” I smile at him.

  “Good because you and Logan are cute as hell together and when you add Tessa in the mix it’s perfect.” Storm laughs as he walks out of my room. I hope Logan starts thinking straight because he belongs with Storm and Tessa. They make the perfect couple and I won’t approve of Logan with anyone else.


  Walking into the the Scorpions compound, I stop in my tracks when I see Rain holding Austin in his arms. I feel my ovaries explode. Rain looks sexy as hell holding a baby, he looks sexy either way but t a baby in his arms does it for me.

  “Like what you see?” Erika comes up behind me and I almost jump out of my skin.

  “Damn it Erika don’t sneak up on people like that.” She giggles and I shake my head. She can be unbelievable sometimes.

  “To answer your question yes I am. My ovaries just exploded.” Devin walks in holding Sam, and Marco is holding Eric like holy fucking shit.

  “The Scorpion compound is my heaven. Scorpion men holding babies make my ovaries work overtime.”

  “Girl I know what you mean I can have another one right now.” I look at her like she lost her mind.

  “Girl, calm down you just had Sam.” We both start laughing. I feel his eyes on me and it sends a shiver down my spine.

  “You know you are next right.” Now she has definitely lost her damn mind.

  “No I’m not I would be lucky if he even touches me in a friendly way.”

  “Kenzi have you even tried getting close to him? You are a beautiful woman and Rain only has eyes for you. You need to use your body and your mind to get him.”

  “I’m damaged. Erika, he’s not going to want a woman who is damaged.” Erika rolls her eyes as she slaps her forehead.

  “I’m going to stay this because I love you, you are a big dumbass. Like seriously are you stupid?” I was so shocked that I take a step back she has never talked to me like that before.

  “Kenzi listen to me carefully, you are damaged and I’m damaged goods. I have an amazing husband and two great kids. I still have my panic attacks when ever I see blood run down my legs when it’s just my period. Do you know how many times Devin helps me through those horrible times? A lot. Rain can be your Devin you just have to let him in, if I can be happy so can you. Plus Rain has his own demands so you guys will be just fine. He won’t judge you or anything and I know you won’t judge him either.” I sigh she has a point I just don’t know where to start.

  “Okay Erika you made your point.” She smiles and nods her head. I walk over to the boys and sit next to Rain.

  “Alright which one of you is going to give me a baby?” They all raise an eyebrow and I roll my eyes.

  “Get your minds out of the gutter! You three all have babies in your arms so someone pass me one, we can rotate in a circle.” The guys laugh. Rain places Austin in my arms and I’m in heaven.

  “Hey little man aren’t you a cutie? Austin you look just like your daddy.”

  “Does he?”

  Storm walks over and sits next to me.

  “Yes Storm, he’s your twin hands down. The fact that you look like your brother and your son looks like you, you guys have good ass genes.” Storm and Rain burst into laughter.

  “Thanks.” Storm says with a big smile that I haven’t seen in awhile and it’s good to see.

  “Austin you’re going to have all the girls attention but you can’t give them all your attention. You have to find the right girl for you and auntie Kenzi will help you with that and everything else. I’m also talking to you Sam and Eric. God help me, you boys look so much like your daddies.”

  “What does that mean?” Devin asks like I just insulted him.

  “Devin you know girls always surrounded you, same with you Storm, and Paul had all the guys attention even the girls. So auntie Kenzi has to keep the hoes away from her babies, all hoes are not welcome.” The boys burst into laughter. I hand Storm his son and Marco gives me Eric.

  “Eric you look just like your daddy with your dark hair and brown eyes. You kids will be the death of me, but I will always love you.”

  “These are not even your kids how are they going to be the death of you?” Devin asks with a smile.

  “I’m their auntie so that mean I’m lowkey their second mom who helps you raise them.” Devin nods his head in agreement.

  “Good point and I love you for it.”

  “What is family for?” Devin passes me Sam after I give Rain Eric. They are all so cute. One day I will love to have one of my own maybe someday soon. I look up and Devin has a smirk on his face and I’m scared for what’s about to come out of his mouth.

  “Speaking of babies when are you going to give me a niece or nephew?” My eyes widen in shock, I wasn’t expecting that question at all.

  “I don’t know.”

  “What do you mean you don’t know?”

  “Devin I can’t just pop out a baby. I’m not seeing anyone right now so a baby is not in the picture at the moment.”

  “You have…”

  “Don’t even finish that sentence Devin.” I cut him off before he could say Rain’s name.

  “Come with me Kenzi.” Devin says as he gets up, I feel like I’m going to get one of the famous Devin lectures. Tessa told me about her lectures with Devin. The fact that I’m getting another lecture in one day sucks. He walks in his bedroom then closes the door after I walk in. He sits on the bed and pats the spot next to him. I cross my legs when I sit on the bed, he looks very calm and that makes me a little nervous.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours? Does this have something to do with Trent?” I look away from him and he grabs my chin and turns my head to face him.

  “So it does. You know he can’t hurt you anymore right?”

  “The damage is already done. I’m damaged and I’m afraid that Rain is not going to want me once he sees how damaged I am.”

  “Listen to me Kenzi, out of this family Erika and Rain are the most damaged out of us all. That’s why Rain keeps you at a distance. He doesn’t want you to see how damaged he really is. He’s scared just like you are but he’s slowly making progress. He talks to you more doesn’t he?”


  “It’s your turn to start making progress. What you both don’t understand is that once you have the person you love the less damage you feel, you finally get to heal. Just take a small step forward and I promise it will be worth it at the end, make baby steps until your ready to leap forward.” Devin is right, it’s time for me to move forward and Erika as well we both share a secret. We made a promise that neither one of us would share it unless the other was ready, but I’m not ready to share it just yet and I know she’s not either. Losing my brother was very hard on me and to make things worse for us Erika lost their baby from all the stress she was under. We don’t talk about it and neither does Dalson and Paul that was a very hard time for us all. Losing two people that you love with everything you have in you in one day takes a lot out of you emotionally and physically.

  “How should I start?” I ask because I really
do want to move forward and be with Rain so I’m going to need his help.

  “Start small, talk to him ask him to hang out with you. You can find something to watch and see if he would watch it with you.” I nod my head in agreement sounds like a good plain. I kiss his cheek and he smiles up at me.

  “Thank you.” I tell him.

  “What is family for?”

  “I may come back to you for help so keep an eye out for an 911 message.” He laughs as he nods his head.

  “Just remember red is only if your life is in danger okay and yellow is for the other emergency.”

  “Yes I know, yellow is for I need your help.”

  “Good.” We join the others and I feel a lot better after talking to Devin. One of my favorite things about the boys is that they would do anything for their family. I sit next to Rain and I’m nervous as hell now.

  “How did your chat go with Devin?” Rain asks.

  “It was good.”

  “That’s good. Do you feel better now?” He asks softly.

  “Yeah I’m good.” I look over at Devin he silently nudges me to ask him to hang out.

  “That’s good I’m glad to hear that.”

  “Rain would you like to come over and watch something with me?” His eyes widen, I grab a piece of my hair and start twirling it.

  “Sure sounds fun.”

  “Okay cool, I’m going to head home now you can come over in an hour, if that is good with you.”

  “Hour it is.” I get up and grab my keys from the small bar.

  “See baby steps, have fun don’t over think things everything will be fine.” I drive home quickly, when I get home I take a quick shower then put on my blue yoga pants and a blue top. I went on Netflix and the first show to pop up was Sons Of Anarchy, one of my favorite shows. It’s been an hour and a half he’s not coming and that just fucking hurts more than anything. I lay on the couch and press play, when it comes on I hear a knock on the door. I get up and open the door to my surprise I see Rain.

  “Sorry I’m late the girls wouldn’t let me leave.” I smile up at him Rain is a great uncle and one day he will be a great dad. I open the door wider so he can come in I close the door then lock it.

  “Did you start without me?”

  “I just started you didn’t miss a thing.”

  “Great.” We sat on the couch and I press play. When Jax appeared on the screen I wanted to lick my screen he is gorgeous, and sexy as hell. I glance at Rain and he raises an eyebrow.

  “Are we watching Sons Of Anarchy?” He asks with a smirk.

  “Yes, yes we are.”

  “You do know the irony to this right?” I laugh. Rain is part of an MC we are watching a MC show.

  “I do. I love the show sue me.” He laughs.

  “I’m not judging. Shit I can’t since we all have watched this show and loved it besides the last season. We hated the last season.” I sigh.

  “Don’t remind me I have watched this show so many times. But that last season I only watched once and I don’t plan on watching it again unless you want to.”

  “Sweetie we can skip the last season, I don’t have a problem with that.” I get up and grab a blanket from my room.

  “Are you going to share the blanket?” Rain asks with a small smile on his face. I sit close to him and cover us up as we watch the show.


  It’s been a three days since Rain was over watching Sons Of Anarchy with me, I had a great time just hanging out with him hopefully we can do that again soon. As I’m grabbing a bottle of water I hear a gunshot and my heart drops. I’m okay I’m safe it was just the tv he can’t hurt you no more. I grab my phone and message Rain.

  Kenzi- Can you come?

  Rain- I wish I could I’m busy right now.

  Another shot goes off and I drop the water bottle ran to the TV and turn it off. I can’t breathe. I look for Devin’s number and send him a quick message.

  Kenzi- Yellow red yellow.

  Devin- I’m on my way.

  I go into my room I slide on the floor by my closet. I put my knees to my chest and rock back and forth. He’s not here I’m safe, he can’t hurt me.

  “Kenzi what’s wrong?” I heard Devin’s voice and my head shot up, but I can’t catch my breath. Devin drops to his needs and grabs my face.

  “Kenzi breathe slowly take a deep breath in and slowly exhale.”

  “That’s good. How long have you been having panic attacks?” He asks with concern.

  “For years.”

  “What causes it?”

  “Tonight was a gunshot on tv.” Devin looks confused and I don’t blame him.

  “I shot a gun in front of you before and you never had a panic attack.”

  “It happens once in awhile during this time of year.”

  “Why?” I turn my head away.

  “Okay you don’t have to tell me right now, when you’re ready you can tell me. Why didn’t you ask for Rain to come over?”

  “I did he said he was busy so I messaged you. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t apologize.You are my family and I will always be here for you whenever you need me.

  When I finally started to calm down I heard a gunshot for real this time and I almost jump out of my skin. Devin wraps me in his arms and rocks me back and forth.

  “You are okay, you’re safe nobody can hurt you. Repeat after me. I’m safe nobody can hurt me.”

  “I’m safe nobody can hurt me.” I said. I could barely recognize my voice it’s very shaky.

  “Keep on taking deep breaths. How about you stay the night with Erika and me?” I nod my head slowly. Devin helps me up grabs me a water bottle than helps me to his car.

  “Drink the water Kenzi.” I take a sip of my water.

  “More drink more.” I drink half of the bottle. Devin helps me out of the car and into his house. Erika sees me and she looks worried.

  “Did you have a panic attack?” Erika asks with concern.

  “Yeah.” I said softly.

  “It would’ve been nice if one of you told me about this. Kenzi is going to stay the right with us.”

  “Of course, you look tired go lay down and get some sleep.” Devin helps me to their room and lays me down. When my head hits the pillow I drift into the darkness.


  The door opens, I turn my head and see Devin who doesn’t look happy at all.

  “What’s wrong Devin?” I ask and he smacks the back of my head.

  “What the fuck was that for?”

  “Where were you last night?”

  “Here. Why?”

  “Were you busy?”

  “A little what is this about?”

  “The fact that I’m helping you get Kenzi and the one time she needed you the most you didn’t show up. What the fuck Rain?”

  “What happen is she okay?”

  “She is now. The next time she asks you if you can come over just think that she might be in trouble.”

  “What happened? Where is she?”

  “In my bed sleeping. She had a panic attack so when you couldn’t make it she messaged me.”

  “Fuck.” I run my fingers through my hair.

  “What caused it?”

  “A gunshot.” I don’t understand, that hasn’t happened before.

  “Apparently it happens this time of year and no I don’t know why. She wasn’t ready to talk about it.” I should’ve been there for her.

  “I’m going to check up on her and I will let you know how she’s doing.”

  “Thanks Devin.” He nods his head then he walks out. I should’ve went when she ask me to, I won’t let her be alone again.

  It’s been two hours I haven’t heard anything from Devin yet and I’m a little worried. My phone rings, I picked up my phone and see Marco’s name on the screen.

  “What’s up brother?”

  “It’s time.” I grab my car keys from the kitchen table and head straight to my car.

  “The surrogate mother
is in labor?”

  “Yes now get your ass to the hospital.”

  “I’m on my way.” When I get to the waiting room in the hospital, I see Kenzi. She’s with Devin and her head is on his shoulder, she looks very tired like she barely slept. I walk over to them and Devin taps her leg then points up at me, Kenzi looks up and she looks more tired up close.